what was high school like for you?

  1. School was great, uni was epic, high school was hell. 3 worst years of my life, including bullying and the most sexist teacher I ever had. I felt like living again when I left for uni

  2. I think that’s a wonderful experience, ever, I miss my high school life the same as much I miss my childhood days. Waking up early morning getting ready for school. IN high school, everyone was friends, and we will play and study together…

  3. Mixed bag

    I had a lot of friends and was popular with the boys because I played a lot of video games, but I was also part of the “bully bunch” I hung out with a lot of the preppy snobby girls who liked me because I was ‘different’ (AKA Asian)

    I had days where I hung out with people I enjoyed and love spending time with, and I had days where I got in trouble for doing stupid shit with the groups I hung out with

    I both loved and hated high school, I had massive regret later on in life when I just stood by and let the people in my group bully others, but I was always scared that they’d bully me if I tried stopping them, so I just let it happen

    If I could go back in time, I’d rat them out to teachers/police and stay far far away from them.

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