Hi everyone, I was wondering if nowdays anal is something a lot of girls are doing automatically ?

I mean for people in US and Canada, for 10 girls how many girls you think are down for it?

  1. I’ve had one girl that wanted to try it with me and that’s my current GF. I’m 38 and I don’t think most of the girls I’ve talked to are down with it

  2. It’s one of those things women have told me is expected more and more by guys, but I’ve not been with women who expressed an interest in it. So if so, it’s a one-way expectation 🤷‍♂️

  3. Expected?! Hmm… let me think about any sex acts which are expected to be performed…

    Sorry, can’t think of a single expectation, nope. Grow up.

  4. It’s something that has become very common in porn. In real life, I don’t know. I would say a person by person preference

  5. I always have since high school, but I like it so it’s a plus for me LOL yes I think most men want anal.

  6. It’s literally my favorite thing in the world, but even I know it isn’t for everyone. Butt stuff is a gift, not an expectation.

  7. I’m in Europe so can’t say for USA and CA, but here sex is not a shameful taboo and more exotic sex practices are embraced and practiced.

    Maybe it’s the circles of ppl and friends that I frequent and share with, but anal is practiced often if it’s a turn on or not at all if it’s not. I guess what I’m trying to say is maybe it’s not a regional thing and you should have clear communication and open views of sex with a partner before you get too much in the weeds of relationship.

  8. I think in the US, you might find like one out of ten who will be into it. Can’t say for Canada tho

  9. It has become more accepted although it’s still seen as a bit taboo so naturally people want to experience it.

    I have no basis to speak on the statistics but more often than not, most the women I’ve met are down to at least try it, and most have liked it including my gf. Since she tried it, she even bought herself a butt plug she wears nearly constantly.

  10. 1/3 of women in America reported having had anal intercourse before. meaning they’ve tried it, at least one time. 15% engage in anal with some regularity. using the how many out of 10 girls idea… i’d say around 4/10 have tried it, and 1/10 like it regularly. so… not common or expected at all.

  11. I don’t think anal is ever gonna be something that a majority of people “are doing automatically” because of how painful it can be (although it shouldn’t be painful if you’re doing it right) and how much work can be involved in doing it well.

    As with literally all sexual activities, some people like it and some people don’t, and if it’s important to you, you just gotta keep looking until you find someone who’s sexually compatible with you.

  12. Overall, the topic has become more common/is getting more air time, but I doubt it’s an automatic thing because for most people it’s going to take a decent amount of preparation and trust in the partner they’re doing it with. And then there are the other people for whom anal is a complete non-starter due to the ick factor, pain or just general disinterest.

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