I find it kinda hard to approach someone whether from behind or in front like “ excuse me, i cant help but noticed you really cute and would love to introduce myself” or try to make a better situation to approach like come up to them and ask stupid question like a destination to a certain place? It is kind hard to approach anyone nowadays. Sometimes, i just tryna make small talks and they kinda feel uncomfortable and think i want to hit on them. What should I do to manage my games not to get messed up?

  1. Don’t ever approach a girl behind… tat’s creepy

    >It is kind hard to approach anyone nowadays

    Remember it’s all about context. If you’re at the club or parties, it’s free game to holla at woman; b/c it’s a social event.

    But if it’s at the gym, park, library, or places a woman just want to run errands; it’s best to leave them alone. However, learn to read cue of a woman being interested in you.

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