I(24 Male)have been working with my coworker(26 female) for almost two years.

She’s quite attractive.

I knew me and her had a sexual tension but I kept it civil. She has a 4 year old daughter so and was still with the father of her daughter.

But recently her and him have split due to his drug problems.

Tonight she messaged me and said, very bluntly, that she wants to have sex but we’re just friends.

What should I do?

Being the male I am of course I would have sex also but I’m not sure if it’s a good idea. haha

  1. Well the real question is what’s most important to you in this relationship? The friendship, or the possibility of something more? If you think she’s someone you’d want to date, I’d ask her out and say you’d like to save the sex at least until you took her out properly (makes you sound like a gentleman) and that way you can sort of see if there are romantic feelings.

    If you don’t want to date, then the follow up becomes are you the kind of person who can have sex with someone and it not have romantic feelings attached to it? Could you have a fwb situation and not have an issue with that? If you can, then it’s deciding if you’re open to trying that with her knowing it could mess up your friendship but if you’re both adults about it shouldn’t be an issue. You could have sex, decide it’s not working and go back to normal I’ve had a few friends who started dating and having sex, realized they weren’t a good fit romantically but stayed friends with each other. But at the end of the day no one but you can answer that question.

  2. Generally, it’s probably not a great idea to get involved with a coworker. Things can end badly, and now you have to keep seeing this person or risk messing up your job.

    In conclusion: go for it!

  3. As male i understand but short answer for this problem. I learned hard.
    Never Fuck the Company.
    Sorry for this but believe me!

  4. Never mix work and pleasure together I have never seen it end well!

    Secondly sex is not worth the headache as it might start as sex only but then the hormones kick in and the feelings start. Don’t ruin a good friendship keep it simple, mates.

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