What are some possible reasons a man would reject an offer to hook up again?

  1. 1 Stinky vagina. 2 Annoying voice or laugh. 3 They are sober. 4 Been there, done that, and it wasn’t so great.

  2. I got herpes so now I turn all of them down for fear of them rejecting me.

  3. A lot of these answers are accurate but most of them can be summed up with he’s not super into you or he just changed his mind.

  4. He’s married or in a relationship

    He’s just not that into you

    Any reason in general

  5. He knows he will never be able to compete with Zayn Malik.

    (For those who don’t get it: >!Look at OP’s username!<).

  6. Men are afraid of the crazy. If we see, hear or suspect the crazy we make haste for the hills, tally ho and off we go to pastures with less crazy.

  7. Probably not into you. You should probably move on. If it’s really killing you then you can always ask why

  8. Depends on the circumstances and obviously the individual. I can’t speak for other men, but for me personally.

    I recently ended my relationship and my ex. Afterwards she said “We could still do a friends with benefits thing”. I declined because I wasn’t emotionally invested anymore.

    I’m down with a friend’s with benefits but only if that’s the initial agreement. I can’t go from loving someone to a FWB situation.

  9. When she ask for payment afterwards.

    Or she hears a noise and say’s my husband is home early – quick jump out the window.

    She brings you to her house and before she opens the door (she whispers we have to be quiet my parents are sleeping).

  10. Maybe she said something the first time that really embarrassed him and now he wants to start over with someone else? Maybe it was something worse that rejection like: “I’m so glad you’re not big like all those other guys”

  11. Depends how much setup there is. But if I would need to get a hotel room and such and a condom was required… meh, dunno if it’s worth it.

  12. You are annoying. You are terrible in bed. You stink. He is not attracted to women and was just testing to see if he might be. He found a better match and likes them more. He can’t afford your expensive tastes. He doesn’t like your friends. Can I stop now? So many reasons, not enough time.

  13. Explanation i haven’t seen: he is embarrassed about his performance and too insecure to see you again.

  14. Every answer here is a possibility. The question is, why would you want someone that doesn’t want you, whatever the reason? Move on

  15. I rejected the last chick I was hooking up with because I was worried she was starting to get too attached.

  16. Stank cooch, boring lay overall, or a bunch of extra stuff going on in her life you want no parts of.

  17. Either he’s worried he’ll catch feelings or that you’ll catch feelings and that’s a situation they don’t wanna be in yet.

  18. In my brief foray into “casual sex” I found that if a guy was into you, but realized he was meaningless/ would never be someone you’d have a real relationship with, they won’t keep sleeping with you even if you’re strictly looking for sex.

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