I like a girl who I have been talking with for almost a year now, and we talk for hours non-stop.

And I really like her but I’m not sure if she likes me or not.

I need the girls of this sub reddit to give me some tips and advice on how to find out if she does.

Thank you in advance

  1. if you guys have been talking for that long, chances are she probably likes you. Why don’t you just ask her straight up? Girls love guys with confidence, even if it doesn’t work out she would respect you for being so sure of yourself

  2. me and my bf liked each other for a year before we started dating. we didn’t talk much but we’re not talkative ppl. i have a little motto i live by “2 seconds of courage.” i take a deep breath and i do whatever stupid thing i’m going to do with 2 seconds of courage. even if i immediately regret it. if you can’t do it not scared, do it scared. there really is only one way to know. my little motto led to me admitting my feelings to him. if you’re only staying in the friendship because you have feelings that’s not healthy for either of you. admit that you have feelings so that you can be in a relationship or move on. hope this helps.

  3. Ask her if she’d like to __________ (fill in the blank) with you. Make it something simple and low stress – get ice cream, go to the zoo, or something like that. That gives you a place to start.

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