We have been in a relationship for a year, and use telegram as main communication channel when we are not together. Now, here is the thing, she currently doesnt have a number, which already is by all means a little strange. We have spoke about it, and her reasoning is a matter of not being able to detach the number from the operator somehow…did not really understand, and did not paid a lot of attention to this neither as we were still communicating fine through telegram. She has had a rough last two months, was diagnosed with chron disease, her grandma recently passed away, and her sister, who is just 14, is currently on the UCI after a failed suicide attempt.

Now, I get the seriousness of the situation, and when we last spoke, I told her whatever she needed I was there to support her. The thing is, that was two weeks ago, and I have not heard anything from her since, and she does not seem to even read any of my messages anymore. Being unable to call her, I tried reaching on social media, and after sending a message yesterday, found out today she had actually blocked my account. Other interesting detail is she mentioned an Instagram account she used to have, and actually showed it to me at some point, but told me she was going to get rid of, because wanted a break from it. Indeed she did, and that is fine, but just picked my curiosity, and her account is there again, alive. Have reason to believe she reopened it almost a month ago. If so why did she never tell me about it?

My last attempt of contact was through a mutual friend last Thursday. Explained wasnt able to reach her, and that I was concerned about her and her family. Maybe she had heard something. Two hours later, my gf wrote me telling me she was deeply sorry for not communicating, reminding me how much she loves me, and telling sister had been diagnosed with an eating disorder, and that I should not speak with friends to try and reach her.

Apparently only after common friend wrote to her telling I had been trying to reach, she decided to write me. Maybe a stupid move, but decided to open a dummy Instagram account, and sent a message saying it was me, and just wanted to have her as a friend there. Two hours later new account was blocked again…

I am just perplexed, if she just wants to forget about me altogether why just not block me from Telegram as well? Why everywhere except there? Why respond to me only after reaching her friend?

Being this is the current status on things, what should I do? Maybe should just stop overthinking, move on and not even try and contact her again? Is she hiding something on Instagram (saw her pictures before being blocked, there is honestly nothing weird about them), or am I perhaps not giving her enough space right now? She could just have told me that and I would have definitely understood.

Just confused altogether. Why block me from some places and no others? Ffs we were actually thinking about moving together, and now I cannot wrap my head about what is going on. If only I had a number I could call her to, I would just ask her directly tbh

TL;DR. Gf blocked me on social media, still keeps me on main communication channel. Don’t know what to make of it.

  1. For whatever reason she doesn’t want to talk to you. You need to accept her decision no matter how hard it is. I know it sucks.

  2. Well, if it seems fishy, it probably is. Stop trying to contact her and take a step back.

    If you know from sources other than her that all these family tragedies are going on, then that’s probably the case and I’d just let her come to you since you’ve reached out and she said no.

    If she’s the only person saying all this stuff happened and you really don’t know her that well and her mutuals don’t know or won’t say, then I would just treat this as a breakup and move on. A manipulative person might leave a situation in an unclear status so they can move on someone else but come back to the first person if that doesn’t work out. With the return to instagram that kind of sounds like what happened. Of course it’s possible there’s some other reason. For example I use facebook to talk to family with facebook messenger and if something happened to a family member I would be on there a lot. So that’s why if I were you I would discreetly try to see if all this family stuff is for real. If it is just give her the time and grace and respect her wishes.

  3. I think you mean ex-gf. This is ghosting. Absolutely do not keep trying to contact her. She is telling you to back off so respect what she is asking no matter how hard that is to accept. It probably doesn’t make sense to you but maybe she has her hands full. Just find someone who respects you more. People don’t deserve to be treated so poorly.

  4. So she does not have a phone/phone number? And you don’t see her in person? Do you live near each other? Do you actually speak, i.e. voice to each other when in contact?

  5. She should just tell him straight up and not play games with him. If it’s over, why is she telling him she loves him. She is playing him to be her safety net. She won’t cut it off completely so she has something to fall back on.

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