I’ve been separated from him since March. I got tired of the way he treated me. He refused to be faithful to me. Even though I rarely said no to sex and always tried my best to be a good wife, he’d still cheat on me. He told me that casual sex is emotionless for men and that it’s “different” when he has sex with me. I still hated letting him touch me after I knew he’d been with others so I left him out of spite.

I don’t want a divorce for our son’s sake. And I’ve been hoping he’d change now that I have some power. I missed him but I have been strong up until now.

When I brought our son to him Saturday, he surprised me with a brand new BMW. I’ve wanted this car for a while and I felt glimmers of hope because he was being so sweet lately.

I kissed him and he was saying all the right things. I had sex with him and it was good but soon after he finished he only paid attention to his phone. I asked him who he was talking to and he said his friend’s name. I could tell it wasn’t true and my emotions took over so I snatched his phone. I asked him how he could do this to me.

He overpowered me and squeezed my face saying “calm down”. He started to initiate sex again, I told him to get off me and I don’t love him anymore. He called me a liar and kept going. I was crying and told him I don’t want to and he’s hurting me. He kept telling me to be quiet and I’m his. I eventually submitted to it. He was so rough that I woke up with bruises this morning.

What’s the point of anything when he does this? He hasn’t changed at all. I feel more bitter and unloved by him than ever. How could he do that to me? I know he lost his temper because I grabbed his phone but he really hurt me. He texted me this evening asking how I am, should I tell him how I feel?

TL:DR; My husband was texting a girl right after having sex with me and became angry when I was upset.

  1. You just got raped by your hopefully soon to be ex husband.

    Get a divorce. Your son will be happier with you happy and either alone or with partner who doesn’t treat you like shit.

  2. This is the dumbest shit. You got back with your husband who has continuously, remorselessly cheated on you, and will continue to do so because he bought you a *car*??? Not because he’s actively worked to improve himself. Not because he’s proven he could be a trustworthy partner, but because he *BOUGHT YOU SOMETHING*???

    Do you have no self respect? Is this the kind of man you want your son to grow up to be? Because your son will 100% model himself after his father and treat women like shit because you have allowed your husband to treat you like shit.

    Do better.

  3. Your husband raped you. You didn’t leave him out of spite you left him because he’s a raging asshole.

    Your husband RAPED you.

  4. Get a lawyer, get divorced. He doesn’t care about you. And maybe a restraining order too. Stop giving shitty men like this a million chances. He is never going to change. Ever. Be a role model to your son and leave his ass. Materialism isn’t love and never will be, it’s a mask.

  5. Divorce would be the best outcome for you and your son. You don’t deserve this treatment and you need to get out and get a lawyer asap.

  6. So you left your abusive and unfaithful husband, kissed him because he bought you an expensive car, he raped you hard enough to leave bruising, and you’re wondering whether you should respond to his text?

  7. He’s rapist abuser cheater trash. Escape while you still have your life and your health.

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