Hi, me and my gf have been together for 2 years now and we live together. When we started dating for 6 months, We were having sex almost everyday. Sending each other’s nudes and she was very creative in them and she was initiating sexting/ sex more often in the past than now. I believe our decline in the amount of sex we have is caused by the fact that she’s complaining in the beginning of sex that it hurts her. I force her to check it with the gynaecologist and lab results and both came out perfect. Now my dick is the problem now and she’s not enjoying sex through penetration, she likes how I lick though.

Im 16,5 cm (6.5 inches) in length and 14 cm (5.6 inches) in girth. So I’m not small. She’s says I’m big for her. I’m her first sexual encounter though. She’s not my first. Now she’s trying to avoid sex with me as much as she possibly can. But once she’s desperate to have it then she feel obliged to let me continuing sex with with her after she’s stops enjoying it in the first minute but I stop and always ask her what happened. She says that she don’t know. It’s been a year like this. That’s why I’m writing here to you guys for advice how to handle it. Now I’m abroad working for 2 months and she had been honest about enjoying her time alone without me and shes masturbating a lot. When I ask her what is missing in our sex, she replies with idk. During my time abroad, she refuses to engage in any sexting activity. I usually play games where I tease her with my pics without my dick ofc, only little muscles and a dick bulge, but she doesn’t care much and she’s not participating in building tension and sexting. She don’t like to send nudes nowadays.

Today I wrote to her at night a description of how I will fuck her. Teasing and detailed. I’m good in writing erotic stories and she likes stories. She started masturbating as I was sexting. I told her to show me how wet she was but she refused. She thought I’m masturbating as I’m sexting but I told her that’s impossible cause it’s easy for her to read and masturbating but she can’t imagine me trying to sext and having nothing to madturbate on. She text me bye and went on masturbating after I turned her on.

My gf gets turned on by movies or some thoughts on her mind. If not them then she have hard time finding desire for sex. I don’t seem to work on her despite my muscles and big body (shredded) I have big dick and according to her she loves me to death. But the sex is bad. We do it like 3 times a month and we live together. I’m trying to be creative but it always feel one sided

Please guys help us to save our relationship. Im asking here cause my gf doesn’t know how to help either

  1. I would explore this route: ask her very directly if there’s something about you that turns her off and really be open to letting her be honest. This sounds like it could be a relationship problem. It could be your hygiene, it could be something you did to accidentally hurt her during sex one time, it could be habit you have at home that annoys her, or something about you that she has learned that makes her not respect you anymore. Really give her space to tell the truth. She might not know what it is, so tell her that you really want to hear about it if she figures it out.

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