I have one year left of school. I am about to graduate in industrial engineering and only have 2 classes remaining over the course of 2 years (its senior design 1 and 2 so its separate classes).

I recently have started working as a project management intern at a major company. It has been nice but i really don’t like being an intern and getting the boring work. I rather be in charge of my own projects, so work hasn’t been ideal.

However, my main problem is I am extremely bored when I get home from work and on weekends. I essentially have no friends except for my girlfriend. I am doing pretty good financially, but I have a strong drive to make more money. I also have an interest in searching for my new state to live in. I live in Louisiana, and I’m extremely bored here. So looking for new places to live gives me something to look forward to. Besides that, I literally do nothing except work.

What are some hobbies/side-hustles/combination of the two that I can be working towards. Preferably low cost, but if I’m interested enough I could manage to finance a small project.

Thank you for your help!

  1. You should start to think about what’s the meaning of your free time.

    If you didn’t have any duties at all, what would you do?

    If you still can’t find the answer, you could go through this way:

    What humans usually do, that feels good, that will bring goodness and it will probably feel as rewarding after you remember what you did that day.

    For example, learning a new instrument, starting reading something fun like comics, a small book, mangas. Try finding out if you would enjoy some kind of exercise, watch some videos of what could change on your body and get motivated.

    You could find ideas on the internet and focus on something inspiring, like a self achievement of some kind.

    Just be sure of not making it something too stressful.

  2. Contract engineering. learn enough of a skill to sell it on evenings and weekends.

  3. I’ll play a video game watch TV, make food, and the extreme option listen to music/audiobooks

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