If you believe in it, we’re not compatible.

My favorite thing is when people ask me my sign and I tell them to guess. One gal guessed wrong 8 times, and when I finally told her she let loose with the inevitable “omg that makes so much sense…I knew it!” Always good for a laugh.

EDIT: I’m a retrograde Thesaurus

  1. I tell them i’m an Asteroid, it works every time to give them the hint of change the topic.

  2. Girls believe in astrology, boys believe in nft’s…what they have in common is their both naive to think either will ever provide anything good other than wasting money!

  3. I make them guess too and they never get it right, cracks me up. I remember one woman was adamant Leos were extremely materialistic and I said the 2 Leos in my life are still wearing the same shorts and sneakers from 15 years ago, but ok lol!

  4. I find it cute in my girl (not yet gf), I absolutely not believe in it but she looks happy and we share a laugh, I think is a sign of a good soul

    Edit: soul= person= human being

  5. i don’t take astrology seriously but i think it can be a fun little conversation. i’m the complete opposite personality of what would be expected from my sun sign anyways 🙂

  6. They’ll always have a way to apply each sign to one person. If they get it wrong the first time they’ll keep going and going until they’re right.

  7. I don’t believe in astrology because I’m a Taurus and we Tauruses are skeptical

  8. Theres an amazing British magician, Derren Brown, who does a great job of debunking all the astrology and psychic reading nonsense. I try not to judge others but I can’t help but think less of people who buy into it.

  9. I find astrology interesting, I’ve always said it’s a nice distraction from the shitty stuff going on around me, I don’t ask men what their star sign is though 😂 but hey, if you do, that’s cool! I don’t think less of you, it’s pretty mean to judge like that but whatever.

  10. Looking at your comments I think your incompatible with most women. Not because you think it’s stupid, you’re allowed to have your opinions, but more so because of how big of a deal breaker is. Good luck finding an atheist who is that shameful of others beliefs to date!

  11. Sometimes it is fun, just for entertainment purposes, not to be taken too seriously. As a woman, I have dated a few guys that were really into it, so it is not just a “woman” thing. One guy was quite surprised that I didn’t put much stock into it, but he also practiced Reiki, so that explained a lot, lol

  12. I love how people who don’t like astrology and don’t care for people that do, are simultaneously obsessed with telling everyone about how they don’t like astrology and don’t care for people that do.

    if only we had the same energy for religion..

  13. I’m not really an astrology person but I do know a lot of my friends ask guys about astrology to see how they react to something that’s traditionally more of a feminine interest, like it’s not about whether you believe it or think it’s dumb it’s (at least to some people) more about how you react to things you disagree with and traditionally feminine things at that

  14. You seem to think this is some sort of “gotcha”. But it just makes you seem boring and lame. Agreed that you’re not compatible but not bc of astrology, Bc you’re so judgmental. And this is coming from someone who doesn’t take astrology seriously either. (But it’s a fun conversation starter!)

  15. Ironically me and my girlfriend both don’t believe in astrology but are supposedly compatible and when we first realized this before we started dating she thought it was cute 😂 even though she doesn’t take it seriously

  16. I find astrology fascinating, but anyone who assumes they know me based on my sign is immediately unattractive to me. Mainly because if you truly believe in astrology, then you should know that that’s not even how it works. And also, that’s just not how real life works.

  17. Astrology is silly, but not much sillier than many other dating schemes that people believe in.

  18. I’m not talking about the daily horoscopes in the news paper, but I have to say many of the characteristics of associated with these signs ring true. If nothing else I find astrology entertaining. Its not a deal breaker for me, believing in religion could be viewed just as silly.

  19. I’m an astrology skeptic, but fun to think about. If she’s into it, cool, I’m not gonna shit on something she finds fun. I used to do that when I was younger, but eh, it’s more fun to see people having fun and being happy.

    You go astrology girls!

  20. It says a lot about the level of character you have when you try to use something like astrology as a pedestal in which you sit on and look down on other people. I agree, it’s a great indicator of compatibility.

  21. I figured that if someone believes in that stuff from a young age, it might shape how they view themself. They may try to fit in that mold, thus shaping their development. Because of this, I don’t completely dismiss it when it comes to personality, but I do not believe in any kind of fate or predictable future stemming from one’s sign.

  22. I’m the kinda guy that definitely thinks astrology is lame but I don’t see the harm in having fun and playing along with it as long as she doesn’t take it too seriously.

  23. The OP’s perceived self importance , and his self perceived intelligence is amusing. One can’t call themselves logical , other people can only do that for you . If he was so logical, and so darn intelligent, he’d know that he actually knows nothing , and that what he thinks only matters to himself. But some people like the OP are just so starved for attention , they need to scream their ideas from the top of the highest building , no matter how offensive people may find them- just so he can bring some type of highlight to his otherwise gray life . I think it’s sad , actually . And I feel sorry for people like that . I truly do . We are literally on a rock flying through a vast space at hundreds of thousands of mph , our sun will fizzle out , our galaxy will crash into another one . We literally don’t matter . OP, you don’t matter , neither does what you think. All that should matter to people , is that they should be happy . Everyone deserves to be happy. And if you being happy doesn’t bother anyone else , and it doesn’t hurt anyone else , by all means go ahead.

  24. Why not just calm down about it and let people enjoy what ever they’re interested in as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone?

  25. I like to bring up astrology on first dates just to check for my dates reaction. I don’t actually believe im astrology but I believe in dating men who are not shitting on others for their hobbies.

  26. You’ve made the same post 80 days ago in this sub. If it’s such a pet peeve of yours, maybe include it in your bio on any dating apps you’re using. Otherwise you’re wasting your time on dates and on online rants

  27. I don’t believe in astrology, but I find that men who spend a lot of time and energy getting really emotional and angry about astrology always have really bad vibes, so I sometimes pretend I give a shit to weed them out and it works pretty well.

  28. I don’t really have a type.

    You’re a inorganic chemist? Cool. Or maybe you’re a hippy artist. Also cool. Tall or short, white or black, religious or non-religious, busty or thin as a rail, sarcastic or serious as a heart attack, alpha over-achiever or damaged goods ? I’m open. I’ve loved people from every possible demographic.

    But if you’re into astrology, or you’re anti-vax, or you think Covid is a deep state hoax and masks don’t work in slowing the spread of a disease spread largely by respiratory droplets, then I can save us both a whole lot of trouble by nipping it in the bud right now. You don’t want to date me, I assure you.

  29. The only people I ever see talk about astrology to an annoying degree are the ones who claim to hate it.

  30. Woman here: no interest in astrology, actually dislike it quite a bit since two family members were awful to me when I was a small child due to their reading of my astrology and numerology. Some people really don’t know what to do when I tell them I have no interest and don’t believe in it. And believe me, it’s not just women who are into it! Lottttts of men too!

  31. I’m not into astrology but I use it as a gauge.

    Depending on how triggered and angry men get about astrology, the more they usually hate women.

    So if a man I was dating went on a rant, much like you’re doing, I would safely assume that they don’t like or respect women and therefore not a match for me.

  32. I just feel that men who get irrationally angry and emotional over hating astrology give off bad and very controlling vibes.

  33. Good to know you don’t believe in something and if someone did, your way of coping is to make fun of them. If you did attempt some understanding of astrological practices and philosophy, you might also realize that astrology isn’t for entertainment nor is it something your “test” can speak to. The number of practicing astrologers who can guess a sun sign is very small and impractical for so many reasons. And you’d also understand that a sun sign is not nearly as meaningful as the plethora of symbols and philosophy attached to the other planets and signs as a whole. Astrology and astronomy have been practiced as sciences for thousands of years around the entire world and appears in and influences every culture in whatever way they practice and understand it as a philosophy or spiritual practice. If pop culture has dumbed it down to practically being appropriated, choose to ignore it or learn a little. But personally, I believe to approach the practice with ignorance and disrespect is a mistake. If you’re just not interested, move on and please reconsider looking down on those who simply may understand something you don’t.

    TLDR before making fun of something, I suggest taking the time to understand it beyond pop culture.

  34. I did remember someone asking me what astrological symbol was, I googled it and just choose randomly.

    In any case, I feel strong Thesaurus vibes.

  35. Lmao, the other week I got unmatched by someone all because of opinion on astrology. We had a lot in common otherwise, but then she asked me what my sign was and I said capricorn but I’m not into astrology, hopefully that’s not a dealbreaker lol. She then responded by saying I ask everyone because their response is telling and then said no straight man is into astrology, then when I checked back to respond, I was unmatched.

    Bullet dodged maybe, but holy shit. I feel like I’m walking on eggshells for not engaging in astrology.

  36. Whenever someone asks me about my sign i say that i dont know. But what i can totally share is that i usually choose leaf pokemons

  37. I’m very into astrology, it’s interesting! Never actually met anyone that was like “if your sign is x then we can’t date”, but I *have* been told I’m stupid, ignorant, childish, and tons of other (usually sexist) slurs for saying that I think it’s fun

  38. Astrology has always been like:
    “What’s your sign??”

    Me: “virgo”

    Them: “Oh Virgo is boring”

    Me: *ffs go do something else then

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