What have you rebelled against?

  1. A culture that conditions mediocrity, assenting to illegitimate authority, viewing human beings as disposable ends to means in fulfilling fleeting desires, and using lies as a means to attain power.

  2. Never rebelled against anything. I’ve raged against things a time or two but that’s it.

  3. Microsoft. Been using PCs since 1985 and not once paid (directly) for a Microsoft product.

  4. The industrial society and it’s consequences

    Just kiddin tho, I’m not that big of a rebel at all

  5. 1. Social media – I deleted both my facebook and twitter accounts. It was wasting my time and making me unnecessarily angry, for no good reason. The only one I have is Reddit, which, luckily, allows me to be anonymous.
    2. Conformity. I didn’t get any tattoos for that exact reason. Why do I want to be like everybody else?
    3. Social climbing. Going to things I don’t want to go to, to network with people I can’t stand, just so I can improve my social standing, is a waste of my goddamned time. I’ll do the stuff I enjoy doing, and meet some genuine folks, thanks.
    4. Hustle culture. I got a good education, applied myself, and found a job and career that pays me 6 figures. I don’t need a side hustle on my down time to make extra money. I’d prefer to engage in fitness or hobbies.
    5. Iphone culture. I switched over to Android about a decade back, and couldn’t be happier. I still have a macbook, because I don’t really like fiddling with laptops, but everything else is either pc or android.

  6. i had a rebelious phase.

    looking back im not quite shure what i was rebelling against really. my parents where pretty flexible in their rules and i always respected the ones that where set. nor was there any real cohesion whithin my school towards a certain style or something

    maybe i was just rebelling against people who told me to cut my hair…

    i dunno, got a great mane out of it though

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