So I recentlyish had a bad experience with an ex & a big point of contention was exes as “friends.”

It wasn’t actual friendships, he didn’t tell me either were exes. One told him not to tell me cause I “didn’t need to know,” & they were having sex throughout her marriage & she tried to have sex with him (he told me) to a little bit before we dated even though she was engaged. He had a huge ass file of nudes of the other one who was texting him things like, “I wanted to text you the other night but didn’t want to risk you being with the lady,” & was talking to him about how good he was at giving head, they also snapchatted every day. I didn’t know anything about either one except that the first one was his “best friend” This wasn’t the only bad thing about the relationship, but that really hurt me.

Now I feel weird about dating because I don’t want to be with anyone who hangs out with their exes or talks to them all the time. The problem is, I can’t decide if it’s psycho of me not to want anyone in my life with exes in theirs. I have friends who think it’s fine & other friends who think it’s not okay. Personally, now after that experience, exes are an absolute no.

I know for a fact I need a break from dating to heal from that experience, but I can’t decide if I’m a crazy girl now since I want all exes out of the life of the person I’m dating. Thoughts?

TL/DR: Ex lied about his friends being exes & had inappropriate relationships with them now I don’t want to date anyone who is friends with their ex. I can’t decide if that makes me crazy or not.

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