Entire paragraph as the backstory (this is my first time making a reddit post so i don’t really know how to structure It or if its too long)
I met up with Juan (Not his real name btw) like 4 years ago at middle school, since we were both kind of the weird kids at school (and we both hace Asperger) we got along pretty quickly and we became really good friends. Now at the last year of middle school i started to get really burnt out by him since he was the type of friend that never really shuts up (plus he Is kinda like, just spilling random stuff everywhere when theres a second of peace), he cares a lot about me but i started trying to avoid him as much as possible, he also was kind of manipulative and used a lot of threats with physical violence (which weren’t like TOO much but still i don’t really know how to stand Up) (i also never told him about this since i didnt want to hurt his feelings) .Most of the times when he messages me in discord its just for “haha funny shitpost” a lot of times which i don’t even reply to, the only times i really reply are when he tries to start a actual conversation which barely last any amount of time, which kinda annoyed me a lot. So around 3 months before my last year of middle school i made some new friends but Juan always invited himself in all the conversations we had at lunch time.
There was a school trip after the graduation and i had to be with him in the same room and activities with him all the time which lead to me enjoying It less and less (i tried changing rooms but i couldnt).
After the trip ended i ghosted him (mostly like i did before, just more) and i enjoyed the summer do far without him just being annoying. But recently i was with a friend in a call when Juan asks him if he wants to meet up (with also me). He didnt tell him that i was in a call with him, i told him that i didnt want to meet up with him and explained myself, he told me something around”If im here, then It should be maybe good?”.
So without much thinking i accepted Juan’s request to meet up, and now its the night before It and im stressed af thinking that i messed up, that i don’t want to go and any way to like just kinda dodge it, i don’t want to dodge It since if i made something too obvious It would kinda hurt the relationship i have with his family (im also not good with confrontation), or that It would lead to some drama, and i would feel really bad for dodging since he is preparing a pool and some other stuff.
So what should i do?
Its 2am and i can’t sleep over this.
(Idk if this exactly counts as asking for advice)
(And yes i screwed up by not talking about it with him or other people about this before)

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