I haven’t seen any stories or sightings anytime recently, those who’ve been, did you encounter the beast that lives in Bodmin Moore?

  1. I would have imagined that it is dead by now. But you should keep an eye out just to be safe

  2. I haven’t had the chance to get me cock out in a while, what with work and family commitments. Sorry to disappoint. Got a week of next month, keep your ear to the ground

  3. Bodmin moor, my friend.

    There’s a few of these stories around, Bodmin and Exmoor being the notable ones. There’s various rumours about how they came to be there including them being released after a zoo shut – https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beast_of_Bodmin_Moor

    It’s a very strong possibility that they were released as during the 70’s the Dangerous Wild Animals Act was introduced which meant you could no longer keep a lion in your house like you would any other pet. You’d need to spend a small fortune on a secure enclosure and as a result, it’s believed that some animals were released into the wild.

    Sightings have stopped now, mostly because those animals that initially survived would have died of old age by now.

  4. Unfortunately there’s no credible witnesses.

    Bodmin Moor is quite remote, so anyone who sees it ends up getting eaten by the beast before they can tell anyone about it.

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