My dad is a very rich man, work has always been his top prioraty. He treats me and my brothers and his relatives good enough.
I also live far away from my family so I do see him or care about him much. I still do not love him the way a son should love his father. I donot hate him either. I simply donot care about him.

My mom on the other hand,in my eyes, is the best human on earth. if %10 of the population were like her, sociaty would be a much better place. yet that fucking human trash treats her so fucking bad. he treats her like she is his maid not his wife, and it does not help that she is so sweet. she knows he treats her bad. she can not talk to him about it. I tells her to stand up for herself but she says she can not. He put his side of the family first all the time. they have around 10 people from his side of the family first and she takes care of them all.

she tells me that he does treat her bad yet everytime I tell her to let me have a talk with him if she can not do it she tells me not to.

I can not handle this shit no more. I love my mom so much that I started developing alot of hate to that man and Ive though about beating the living fuck outta him. what tf Am I suppose to do?

how can I let him see what he’s doing is wrong? how can I fix this? is there even anything I can do?

Im so lost. Ive thought about cutting ties ith him but my mom says that will break her heart. any help would be much appreciated

TL;DR: my dad treats my mom who I love to death like shit, yet she is so weak that she can not stand up for herself. Im started to hate him for that and I wanna fix it somehow

  1. There’s nothing you can do if your mom is uninterested in trying to stand up for herself. At some point if someone knows they are being abused but won’t do anything about it, you have to give up trying- unless he is being physically abusive in which case you need to alert the authorities.

  2. >she tells me that he does treat her bad yet everytime I tell her to let me have a talk with him if she can not do it she tells me not to.

    You don’t need your mum’s permission to talk to your dad about the way he treats her. But if it’s going to make her own position even worse (and your dad sounds like the kind of arsehole who would definitely make that happen) you’re in a bit of a catch 22 aren’t you?

  3. Look if you have a way of recording the situation and have proof that your father is conducting abusive actions against your mother then that is how you can make sure he is out of all of your lives. I advise caution though because you do not know how this is going to affect your mother because it could be good or bad. However if you do choose to continue at the ready as a precaution so I would advise looking up the laws on battered woman syndrome as well as domestic violence emergency relief and you can put that right into Google to start looking. I truly hope everything goes well for all of you and be careful. 🖖

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