Is there a community or place where I can practice taking technical presentations. I don’t have enough opportunities at work to do so.
I need to practice technical presentations and would like feedback from an audience

Let me know if anyone knows or anything

  1. Same here. Gave a presentation at work and realized I have much to improve on. Of course it goes back to social anxiety.

    But, a presentation is probably one of the worst things I can think of doing. Scares me a ton. Which means it’s probably a good idea to keep practicing. But it’s weird because, like I need to genuinely be put in that fearful situation. Fearful to the point that if I had the choice to not do it, I would definitely back out. So, in a way I like I need someone to force me to do one

  2. I am not sure about a live audience (although that sounds like a great idea for an app if it doesn’t already exist)— but when I was student teaching they would record us doing a lesson and then make us watch it back. It was torturous doing it in front of your classmates and then watching with your advisor, but it was also helpful for catching awkward things you might do, improving confident body language like posture and eye contact, and catching the filler words you fall back on. If you were to record yourself practicing alone and then watch it, it might take the pressure and awkward-ness out of it.

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