For me it’s the lidl feta stuffed green and red peppers antipasti. Good lord.

  1. Apple tango was like cocaine to me and now it’s super difficult to buy, and I’m sad about it, so that sorta counts.

  2. Tescos finest caramelised onion sausages. I barely have any ‘favourite things’ in life, be it favourite films or songs or bands, they all change like the weather. Don’t have favourite type of bread or drink or crisps or anything, can take or leave whatever. But anytime I have a different type of sausage I just think they taste shit and lament the fact I’m not eating a Tesco finest caramelised onion sausage. Every other sausage is bollocks in comparison. So yeah, that.

  3. Chocolate hob nobs
    I grew up on those they are absolutely not allowed to be discontinued.

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