men what is your reaction towards a woman after sex

  1. A stronger emotional bond with her.

    I can’t do a romantic relationship without sex. I can only feel platonic feelings for someone who isn’t my current sex partner.

  2. She’s starting to smell pretty bad, maybe I should find somewhere to bury her.

  3. My wife and I have a silly thing we do where after we sort of roll/slide/twist away from one another and regain our bearings one of us will reach over and pat the other one and say “good job.”

  4. Well see it depends as a man my little head says yes finially a woman can just appreciate sex and I can have fun with. In the same my mind will be like hey your jyst a toy. So it’s a double edge sword. I’m still down for being a biytoy but lol it might bruise my ego a little at some point

  5. Don’t know why but sometimes they can irritate me a bit. Like I deeply want to go shower and sleep or do my own thing and they usualy want to cuddle and talk. I just find it very difficult for some reason. I’m not usually like that.

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