I (35M) married to a gorgeous (36F). Our sexual life is amazing but since she gave birth to our first kid, something has changed. I used to go down on her and take my time, she was enjoying it and asking for it. But since our kid was born, it has been 2 years she has been making it clear that she does not want me to go down on her and play with my tongue. She has no issues with me using my fingers or toys, but not oral, she says that it feels different and not the same like before. Is this related to giving birth? But it was a C-section not a normal delivery? Is it normal to take this long, this new weird sensation? Any point, I may not taken into consideration or I am not aware of?

  1. I guess the only thing you can do is wait, and give her time. I didn’t have any issue after giving birth to my children, so I’m not exactly sure what’s going on with her.

  2. Have you tried just kissing that area and then moving on? It might help her ease into it and feel less ‘intrusive’, for want of a better word. She probably just needs time to get comfortable with it again. Have you asked her what she is comfortable with beyond toys and fingers? Try to remind her that you think her pussy is beautiful and keep telling her how much you love it. Lots of women worry about how giving birth will affect them psychologically, especially regarding their sex lives. Her own relationship with her vagina might have changed as a result of giving birth, so she might feel differently about some things.

  3. Is she self conscious of the c section scar? Might feel like you’re eye level with it?

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