I (20F) was home schooled my whole life. I wasn’t really socialized growing up, but I do have friends. However, it’s really hard for me to make more friends, and the majority of my friends were made from work and I have 0 friends at uni. Recently, I’ve been talking to this guy in one of my classes, we text occasionally but all our conversations seem to be about class. We only have class together twice a week so I feel like over the weekend we don’t really talk to each other or the conversation is stale. Right now, I feel like we’ll just stop talking to each other after the semester ends, but I’d like to stay friends with him. Obviously it’s up to him as well if he wants to be friends with me too, but what more can I do on my part to show him that I want to be friends?
Also, I do have a crush on this guy, but I’d rather get to know him better as a friend first.

  1. Relationship lasts long only when there is a vibe. What you can do is ask him or any other classmate out for anything like.. in free time you can sit together for a while and share something to eat ( I often used the phrase : x hey I am feeling hungry, would you like to eat something I am going to canteen) . You can also ask for a ride or walk together to your home after school hrs. You can give/ask for a treat for small achievements/helps in school activities.
    Sometimes these situation becomes awkward initially but by times it gets smooth. Also if you notice that he or any other and even you are not enjoying this then don’t need to stress about it or put too much efforts. You will find others. Sometimes fruitful relationships takes time.

  2. Go for a beer or something not formal. I have always connected with my best friends over random shit. It takes the stress out and opens the door to knowing each other a little more. Also, be yourself; my best friends accept me for who I am. It also helps that I am very shitty at pretending to be who I am not, so all my friends have been tested by fire. The three of them lol.

  3. Ask him out for lunches (they don’t have to be strictly dates, but lunch in general). If u don’t feel comfortable with just him then invite him with others

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