Why do people post questions just to attack people who answer honestly

  1. Because most people aren’t really looking for honesty, they just want validation of the way they behave and/or think.

  2. People (liberals) only want you to tell them what they want to hear rather the inconvenient truth.

    The truth is different for us all, and insecure people need confirmation biases.

  3. I was once called misogynist because I said that woman here mostly like when you follow them to their house. Which is mostly for safety reasons.

    I was like. USA isn’t whole planet.

  4. It’s the girls that come to ask men to validate their shitty relationships , always has me downvoted lmao

  5. It could be because in their mind the question is already answered and therefore any one who says anything to the contrary is deemed to be 100% wrong about everything. The act of asking the question in the first place was simply a ploy for attention and validation.

    It could also be that the question posted is an intentional agendapost made with the purpose of inducing inflammatory rhetoric in the comment section.

  6. Because people really only want to hear answers that match up with their line of thinking. We still haven’t evolved past that yet.

  7. this place is all performative art for the women in this sub nowadays. at this point its been about six months, but i will never forget reading three threads back to back: first one about physically attractive women, second about womens bodies pre and post kids, and the last about differences between sex with hot and ugly girls. All of the questions were asked by women in that sorta insecurely phrased fashion. What you see below were summations of all the top answers, way more upvoted, like easily more than double, any other comments:

    1. Fat women are more attractive than in shape women

    2. Womens bodies are hotter after kids than before kids

    3. Super hot girls suck in bed and fat/ugly girls are amazing (apparently cause they “put in way more effort”)

    I had seen this of course tons of time. But I read those three right after another and something just clicked. This is performative. This is all bullshit. Its literally men in here talking out their ass. Men on here just want to be upvoted, and the way to do that is to assuage the many lonely women in here who lurk and upvote/downvote.

    Just to be clear, I am not saying you can’t personally hold any of the above opinions. But when taken en masse, men simply do not hold those opinions. It is pure bullshit plain and simple. And shoot we havent even started talking about if these men *even have the credentials* to make a lot of these comments. Like I know its kinda immature to think, but when I was reading the thread saying ugly girls are way better in bed i couldn’t help but think, “well yeah cause most of you redditors have never been with a hot woman, only below average or maybe average, so obviously you’re gonna say that”. The lack of experience in this sub combined with the control women have upvoting and downvoting comments makes it an absolute shitshow. I’m still here cause that shitshow is pretty entertaining lol

  8. lol tons of dudes here need to believe that dating is very difficult to the point of impossible, but they really hate realizing lots of other men don’t have the problems they are having, and self-reflection is much harder than downvoting.

  9. Because some people think they want to hear the truth until they actually hear it.

  10. Because they’re not looking for actual honesty, just something to reaffirm what they already believe, and sprinkle in some purity tests to boot.

    I think most people underestimate just how much others enjoy ‘otherizing’ other people.

  11. It’s rife on this subreddit. “I’m morbidly obese, do guys like that?”….”Fat shaming misogynist!”

  12. Envy, jealousy.

    And this sub is a mostly a circlejerk for men who blame woman for all of their problems.

  13. Bc many people don’t want to be reminded of the truth or aren’t open-minded enough to think outside of their box.

  14. Because most people are assholes. Humans are a violent selfish species. It’ll be a fucking miracle if we last the next 2 centuries.

  15. Because they get tired of arguing with their imaginary friends in their mom’s basements.

  16. Most people are here because they get a warm fuzzy from getting karma, and because downvoting something they disagree with gives them a sense of power. That’s why for any thread asking about a controversial subject, you should sort by controversial.

  17. A lot of people ask questions on here for validation of answers they’re already thinking of. When they get answers that go against that, it’ll stress them out, and many people react to stress with anger

  18. **Because they want you to echo their feeling, or to back up their opinion so they feel justified in their already existing opinions.**


    They mouth the words pretending to want a discussion, but they don’t want a discussion at all. In fact, when a different opinion is presented, they viciously attack it or try to cancel it. But by pretending they are “looking for an answer” or such, they can tell themselves how open-minded and tolerant they are in between sniffing their own farts.

  19. Various reasons.

    Want some sort of validation and not hearing what they want to hear

    Or probably just trolling

  20. Depends on the question. Some people are intentionally looking for an argument, not answers, when they post a question. Some times the answers giving are so fucking dumb or just plain messed up that it’s hard not to call them out.

  21. I’ve come to realise that reddit has an obscene amount of virtue signalling.

    If you have a somewhat normal stance, and coat it with a scenario where you had a bad encounter involving the death of a loved one or some other grief, then there is no way that anyone can argue against your point or even ask for a discussion, because to not acknowledge your grief means they must be against you.

    It’s really infuriating because it essentially means that I’m not qualified to be part of a discussion i’m interested in unless someone I love also died.

  22. Cancel culture is very real on reddit nowadays. I’ve seen so many threads locked and comments deleted simply because they disagreed. People should have different opinions without being attacked for it.

  23. Many are looking for confirmation bias, not facts. Easy to just walk away…people who refuse to use critical thinking aren’t really worth arguing with. You won’t change their minds.

  24. Because it’s not the answer they are wanting…


    They don’t know how to have healthy communication on both ends.. so speaking the truth or addressing something they automatically think you are arguing…

    Has more to do with them than anyone else

  25. Because many people hate their own existence so much that their mission is to drag people down to their level…

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