so im dating with this guy online, he wants to do stuff with me like kissing, hugging, etc. he says he wants me to help him pleasure himself as he’ll also pleasure me. recently, he’s giving me cold shoulders because our plan of meeting up kept being postponed (cos of a lot of diff reasons). im now unsure if he really likes or just want to have sex with him. i told him i want to stop whatever we have but he won’t agree. says he can’t let go of me. i don’t know what to do now.

  1. ages?

    >im now unsure if he really likes or just want to have sex with him.

    I’m very confident he wants to have sex with you, and confident he likes you to at least some degree.

    >i told him i want to stop whatever we have but he won’t agree. says he can’t let go of me.

    Then, *you* have to let go of *him*.

    Tell him that then stop seeing him, communicating with him (blocking sounds needed), and be consistent in not allowing this to start up again.

  2. He just wants sex. You don’t need his approval to stop what you have. Block him and move on. It only takes one person to end a friendship

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