So my longtime good friend and I were very close but then she got a bf and we kinda drifted off. Me and her bf were cool but then she had been telling me stuff he does (ways he’s controlling/manipulative), and then they had broken up and he had said a lot of personal/hurtful things to her and was a total a-hole to her but she still got back together with him.

She had told me and I had basically said she can do what she wants but I think he’s a massive a-hole and unright.

It’s now been a couple months since I’ve hung with her, she’s been way closer with her bf but I still text her a lot.

I saw her bf at the gas station and I said what’s up and he completely ignored me.

I then texted this girl basically “hey I saw ur bf and he completely ignored me, it’s been a couple months since we’ve hung out and I feel like I’m the only one initiating nowadays. Would you rather me just leave you alone cause I’d hate if I was just bothering you”

She replied “yeah he told me about it😂 and no <my name> I don’t want you to ever think you’re bothering me cause I enjoy talking with you”

Idk it just kinda rubbed me the wrong way that she said “yeah he told me about it😂”, as if it’s so funny her bf up and ignored me. Am I over reading it? What do you guys think?

M25 f26 tldr

1 comment
  1. I think she’s in an emotionally abusive relationship and you need to do your best to stay connected with her so when she’s ready to leave she has a safe space.

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