So I am wondering why I am so weird. I barely feel any emotions. There are physiological processes but I literally don’t know what they mean. I also have no desire to interact with other people, not even online I usually just ask obscure questions to google and find some random answer to the question that someone asked on Reddit or Quora like 8 years ago lol. I am pretty good at talking to people in real life even though it doesn’t really bring me any enjoyment. Usually if I hang out with people it is primarily for some other reason (e.g. going to cool shops in London) or because I feel obligated to (to keep the friends and because I know society cares about that stuff, but I never used to). What is wrong with me lol. Also I don’t think I have Alexithymia because I’m really imaginative and have weird complex dreams lol.

  1. You should ask a doctor this question. And that doctor should refer you to a psychiatrist.

  2. I’m almost the same way. I don’t seem to have the natural amount of empathy towards others that would otherwise drive me to interact with them; unless it’s a necessary step in achieving a goal tbh

  3. There are many possibilities, and nobody can diagnose you online, especially based on such limited information. However, what you wrote sounds like it could be [schizoid personality disorder]( You really should get a professional diagnosis.

    Edit: “A pathological reliance on fantasizing and preoccupation with inner experience is often part of the schizoid withdrawal from the world.” [Source](

  4. I’m in a very similar position, i have absolutely 0 interactions with people outside my house but I can talk to people quite easily when required.

    For me, it was because of 2 reasons:

    1. Long term isolation. I declined all connections in my early life by not keeping up with them and not saying much. I also dropped out of school and never went to university after i became a confident person so i deprived myself of any chances of a social life. After a decade of isolation i have absolutely 0 desire to talk to people.

    2. Depression. I’ve gotten depressed because of this isolation but the worst part is i could not tell i was depressed. Not wanting to talk or go out with people was actually a symptom of depression for me even though i could swear I was happy in my own little isolated routine.

    But alas, after years of no interaction and realizing that because I never went to uni and freelance from him instead of doing a job, one day it hit me like a train. I realized i will never have that kind of opportunity to interact with people again. I realized consciously that my isolated routine is extremely unbalanced and is killing my drive to do even basic things like talk to people. It literally started making me physically ill and my body took a toll even though i felt like i was comfortable in my own little hole. I get tired very easily too now even though I’m 25 and arguably in the best shape in my life because i work out.

    So if you can still muster some strength, i would recommend forcing yourself a little to go out and talk to people for a week or two just to rule out this isn’t depression. But the main thing is you gotta find people at places that interest you. I’m a gave developer for example so i would go to game conferences to meet people with similar interests. That is key.

  5. No one will ever really care if you stay home. Stay alone forever, it’s cool, do whatever you want, the world will turn regardless.

  6. Me too. I guess I thought it was because I meditate a lot and achieved inner peace lmao. That’s why I can just stare at the wall all day or spend my night watching ambient youtube videos of like, rain sounds. Anyways. I never text anybody and I don’t feel very much of anything I just kind of do my job and stare at the wall in standby mode. I feel like a robot just kind of beep booping around

  7. The most important question is, are you happy with how things are going? If yes, then I wouldn’t worry about it. Some people are just different.

  8. Ok I’m going through this right now. In my case I learned it’s because I’m just exhausted. My baseline normal is that I I’m an introvert, but I do like being around others and socializing. I like doing things and being excited and having ambition. But something happened these past 3 years: TRAUMA. I’m just exhausted and overwhelmed and want to be by myself. This carried over to not working out like I did, eating, etc. sure I may have some depression, but all in all, everything just became too much. Trauma overload. Could this be your case?

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