How do I tell my boss that I can’t come in on my day off?

  1. You don’t. It’s your day off and responding to your boss’s request is work. Just ignore the message.

    If they’re asking in advance and you’re at work, just politely say “Actually, I have plans and I need this day off. Sorry.”

  2. It’s your day off and you have plans that you can’t change. What kind of job is it? Is there an HR dept if things go sideways?

  3. 1, don’t be guilt tripped into it “we really need the help blah blah”
    2, don’t be bullied into it “well, next time you want some time off we will have to look at availability blah blah” (almost like a threat, I’ve had this before)
    3, don’t give a reason you don’t need to ‘no, sorry’ should be it. If they ask why just say it’s your day off and you can’t come in, if they insist say that your plans are your own.
    4, always try and be polite. Nothing good ever came from being an dick back to a dick, it will eventually bite them on the ass.

    I’ve worked a long time in retail and they always try to make you work more or even for free if they can get away with it. You have to remember they don’t care about you for the most part so on your day off it’s not your problem.

  4. Literally just “sorry no I can’t” period. If that causes trouble at work, find a new job.

  5. ”hey boss I can’t come in on my day off.”


    ”because it’s my day off”

    Come on fellow Americans, stand up for yourselves and demand work rights and living wages, there’s more to life than nintendo switch, cheeseburgers, doritos, and guns.

  6. If it’s really difficult for you to say no, you can always go for flight mode. If your boss tells you they tried to call you, you simple say I didn’t check my phone as it was my day off…

  7. Yeah, I’m not going to be able to make it in. Did you hear what I just said? When they say yes, respond with Good then hang up.

  8. I’m out of town. It’s a never miss excuse when you don’t want to be confrontational.

  9. I was around someone recently who tested positive for Covid, and am beginning to feel sick.
    This is beginning to happen a lot and is often true

  10. Generally speaking, I consider myself a reliable hand at my job. I show up early and after I’ve punched in, I do the best I can.

    With that said, I’ve told them that I had ‘*plans’* several times and so far, it’s done the trick. In reality, my plan was to laze and do as little as possible.

  11. ‘I can’t come in. I have prior obligations that I can’t break.” It’s professional they will let it be. Trust me

  12. When I’m off phone 📱goes on airplane mode. So the answer is don’t give him a chance to ask.

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