So I work a data entry job and my job is *very* technical. I’ve worked at my company for almost 3 years and I can finally say I am confident I can find almost every answer quickly. I got transferred to a new team of external hires of younger peeps like me and they are like deers in headlights with our ancient system. Part of my job now is to help guide them through the technical trenches, which I also saw as the perfect opportunity to finally practice on my *super* poor social skills, which I’m getting better at each day.

The con is that anytime I have anything helpful to share, no one listens especially when I see they really need to. I don’t go into super specifics, I try to simplify as best I can, provide any resources they need, or keep my contact loop open to help them out. I even dedicated an entire OneNote page to breaking down common errors and resources that they have access to but it doesnt seem like its enough. This morning especially bothered me when I did my albeit long presentation of errors and I only got *one* question back which I answered with the correct steps and the exact resource needed. They told me they would instead ask the person above me because they didnt think my answer was good enough. Idk why it bothered me so much but I’m very confident in my work and I try to show it’s correct but that still isn’t good enough. I know for a fact the next person will just tell them the exact same thing I explained. This isn’t the first time this has happened and I just dont know how I can get my point across without it seeming like I’m wasting their time, if that makes sense. What am I missing here?

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