Men, how has your life turned in the last 10 years, is it what you have hoped for?

  1. Welp broke up with my childhood best friend sweet heart. Lost a few good friends made some new ones. Got into a couple bad relationships, found myself a job moved twice. Hiked the tallest peak in my home state. And struggled to get back into dating.

    It’s not exactly what I hoped for. I’m not the man I really want to be and have some growing to do. But I’m trying, and I can honestly say I’m pretty happy with my life right now.

    I’d change a couple things sure. But that’s life ain’t it?

  2. 10 years ago I was still a relatively hopeful dude. At the very least I felt like I had a ton of friends I could rely on. Now, hope is nearly completely gone and I’m the loneliest I’ve ever been. Idk what happened. At least I’m not longer scared of death 🤷🏾

  3. It’s been a bit of a roller coaster considering I was still in my mid-teens 10 years ago. Lots of learning, and lots of major life changes have happened since then.

    I’d say it’s going pretty alright now.

  4. I (40M) have spent the last 10 years rebuilding from losing just about everything. My marriage, my house, and my job, to name a few big things. I have come a long way and have a very good paying job and finally was able to buy a house. However I absolutely hate the last 10 years and wish I could put myself out of my misery. This is not how i ever would have hoped things to turn out. Love and hope have died.

  5. Well, life was already going downhill and starting a little less than ten years ago, after some loss and misfortune, it entered a sharp decline. Didn’t hope for it, but not altogether surprised by it.

  6. Well, life was already going downhill and starting a little less than ten years ago, after some loss and misfortune, it entered a sharp decline. Didn’t hope for it, but not altogether surprised by it.

  7. No, buy I feel like it’s going better than it would have if the same shit was going on and I didn’t decide to do what I’ve always wanted to do as a job.

  8. I’m exactly where I thought I’d be. Not as depressed as I thought I’d be, was sure I’d be borderline suicidal by now.

  9. I finished college and got into a field I now hate. I can’t follow my passion because everything is getting more expensive now and the pay wouldn’t be sustainable. My toxic ex left me and the relationship changed me for the worse – still miss the beginning with that ex tough. So I’m unhappily lucky (job pays okay as I can rent a small but nice apartment, I do have friends nearby). Still don’t know where to go with my life but shouldn’t complain too much (but I want to).

  10. I will say hearing others in misery does bring me a slight smile to my face. I still hate you all though

  11. I don’t think the 11 year old me had any hopes except for my parents relationship to not fall apart.

    10 years later their relationship is completely broken and they still haven’t gotten divorced even though they desperately need to. Undiagnosed ADHD completely ruined my high school career. On top of that I’m borderline physically disabled and can’t work, go to college, or do anything I like because of the constant physical pain. Probably have Asperger’s syndrome. I feel incredibly cheated by life.

    Those things being said, I’ve recently discovered Buddhism and find a great deal of peace in it’s philosophy. As the Buddha said: “Let go or be dragged.”

    I do have an awesome girlfriend that I plan on being with for as long as possible and some great friends. So at least the social side of life is going in my favor. Thankfully, these things bring me fulfillment.

  12. It’s done a total 1080° and I haven’t reached the things I hoped for.

    Yet I’ve reached other things and I’m surprisingly content about it. Like, so much so that never reaching those original goals wouldn’t even hurt at this point.

    So that song “You can’t always get what you want / But if try sometimes, you might find / You get what you need.” sounds quite true.

    It’s just so unexpected that it makes my head spin a bit.

  13. I regret waking up everyday. Been doing that for a very long time. So about the same now as 10 years ago.

  14. Far better than i had imagined

    Rebuilding after some serious set backs and betrayals has made me all the more appreciative of what I’ve managed to build this past decade

    Excited for the next 10 years!

  15. My kids were born, so that’s one turn; I started smoking again, quit, started again, then quit for good. Got healthy, lost 15 pounds of fat, gained 10 pounds of muscle. I look and feel better than I ever have. I’ve had a pretty good 10 years.

  16. I had big plans. Got herpes instead. Now I have to fight to cure herpes, then get my Iove life together and then get back to my goals. It’s been like the odyssey. I was so close to shore, but a bag of herpes wind blew me back out to sea.

  17. This is a pretty negative thread so far. Let me add a lighter story.


    10 years ago I dropped out of university after failing everything for years. I was living basically on welfare far away from my family, struggled with depression and had no perspective.

    9 years ago I re-entered university in a different field I was actually interested in and not a field I got pushed into by distant relatives/expectations. (money was tight but had a great student job)

    8 years ago I met my soulmate.

    6 years ago finished university with a good bachelors. Travelled a lot and started working abroad to finance my masters

    4 years ago started my masters in an awesome field back in my home country. Found an amazing hobby I can delve into.

    2 years ago finished my masters with excellence. Handled Covid pretty well and didn’t loose any relatives.

    1 year ago moved closer to my family, have a pretty nice salary.

    Today I am looking to get a nice apartment/house and have a family with my girlfriend of 8 years. We are very happy and I am debt free.

    But since I am not from the US that’s not much of an achievement. Heyooo. (Sorry)


    Its going pretty well and I would say it was a complete turnaround in those 10 years. I am happy 🙂 And therefore everything I hoped for.

  18. Life tricked me. When i was 14 i didnt know where i wanted to go or do. Didnt know who i liked and so on. Reach 16, i meet a girl i care about and my dad gets a brain tumour. When im 18 i figure out where im going but still need to plan a future out properly. Age 20 the girl leaves me and i meet the next girl who i really care about. Age 22, covid happens and from there the wheels just come off and i start a gradual decline. Lose my job, lose the girl, get back with the girl, girl gets ill, job gets progressivley harder then im sat here age 24 nearly 25 begging for 5 minutes of peace and quiet. Im still pushing. Im still fighting. Ill keep pushing but if id have known this is where id be id have changed course drastically.

    Literally at this point paradise would be one day in a hotel room, with no contact to the outside world at all.

  19. Not what I had hoped for, but better than it was looking it would be for a long time.

    Have experienced a lot of betrayal, heartbreak, disappointments in myself and others but I trust myself a lot more now and can accept what I like and dislike, what I can tolerate and what I can’t, what works for me and what doesn’t.

    10 years ago I didn’t have a fucking clue and in a way I’m just glad I never got married, had kids, tried to be a celebrity or committed to one line of work. It’s made my life very messy and unfocused but I’ve managed to make a lot of mistakes and learn from them without too many life-ruining consequences.

    Hoping I can take everything I’ve learnt and develop a more fulfilling life for myself now.

  20. 10 years ago I didn’t know what I wanted to do, I do now as of 4 years ago and have been running headlong toward it ever since. I only wish I had realized that much sooner in life, I probably might have had a bachelors as well as almost have a masters if not have one by now and I would be a army chaplain and be doing something I love instead of working at Walmart for a cranky old man. For reference I’m 30

  21. I love my life more now than I did 10 years ago, but it’s not even remotely the life I expected at this point, and certainly not where I thought I’d be 10 years back. So very much has changed between 30 and 40.

  22. A decade ago, I started college as a chemical engineering major. I didn’t expect at all how much I would struggle academically in college. I couldn’t have foreseen how I’d be in college for almost a decade (literally one semester short of an entire decade) just to get an undergraduate degree. I didn’t know I’d be in a mild to moderate depression for 8.5 of my 9.5 years of college.

    But despite all of that, I gained so much from my time in college. I made many great friends. I met incredible people. I got a job that truly helped me grow as a person. I met my current partner. I was able to get back into choir and found a choir that meant more to me than any other choir I’ve had the chance be part of.

    And I think all of that experience, both the ups and the downs, has shaped me into a person I’m overall happy with. I now have a career job in civil engineering with pretty good benefits. I live in a city that fits my preference in size and has so much to do. I live in a nice neighborhood. I’ve got an offer to join an engineer at my workplace and help build a new department. While I have a few tens of thousands of dollars in debt, I can easily pay that off in a few years (like 2 or 3) if I wanted to.

    Life is pretty damn good for me right now.

  23. 10 years ago I was 15. So my life has changed a lot. One minor change is I can finally make a mean steak and eat it all by myself, don’t have to share with no one. One advantage of being an adult.

  24. 10 years ago I was guy who just finished University, I had good figure and was full of hopes and dreams.

    Nowadays I am fat guy with no career.

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