Odd personality quirks I’ve noticed about myself:

• I perceive myself as more desensitized than most people.

• At times, small talk is hard for me; it makes me uncomfortable and it’s very obvious on my face.

• At other times I’m fluent in conversation, at least in small bursts.

• I can dump thousands of hours into something that I’m interested in.

• I don’t feel a need to connect with others, I’d guess I’m a-social (Which everyone mixes up for anti-social…) – In fact, prolonged socializing really drains me.

• I’m very objective/goal based when talking to someone; e.g. I need info.

• I’m calm in frightening situations that I cannot do anything about; e.g. People dying on the news or a swarm of bees outside my air-tight house.

• I don’t share the same talking points with a lot of people. e.g. People talking about drama or that they took their dog to the groomer.

• I don’t get out much due to being a-social, I’m mostly on the internet all day, learning or improving in some game.

• I have verbal and some muscle tics that happen when my mind wanders into a bad memory; usually it’s social related.

I feel like a desensitized robot, not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing but I was curious if this points me in the direction of being on the autism spectrum. Additionally, is that just a term or are there actually a spectrum of autism types that I can view to compare my symptoms?

Finally, does anyone else feel similar ways? I feel.. quite alone in this and I wasn’t sure how common it was.

  1. There will probably be Redditors going to tell you you autism because of the way you phrased this post. You will never get a good answer as to what ails you, if anything, without seeing a professional.

    Did you take a long time to learn to speak? Were you a very sleepless child? Do you experience some anxiety when your routine is disrupted, even in what might be a positive way? Do you have trouble focusing through sensory distractions? These are better questions to ask yourself to find out if you might have a particularly autistic brain, because your socializations and habits now are all learned, whether you’re particularly autistic or allistic. It is hard to tell from your post. It seems like possibly you are just a coolheaded, no-bullshit dude, maybe one who is inclined to some laziness. Which makes you weird, but it’s one of the types of weird you can easily turn into cool with some confidence and style.

  2. Are you describing me? I have same characteristics as a person, never got tested for autism. But I’m trying to do better in communication.

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