What do you guys prefer, parties with a LARGE group of people, or one-on-one conversations with a few people!!!


I prefer the second environment!

  1. Parties, definitely. I can still enjoy one-on-one conversations, but there’s no pressure to talk to just that one person the entire time. If things get weird I can just move on and engage another group of people.

    I do still enjoy meeting for one-on-one conversations, but that is reserved for people I’m already very close with. New people in my life enter via group events.

  2. I prefer parties, jsut because I find it more fun than one-on-one.

    But if I really want to get to know someone, I’ll do one-on-one conversations.

  3. I hate loud and crowded spaces. I hate parties cuz the music is usually so loud you can’t talk to anyone. I like hanging out in groups though so I get a chance to take a break from talking with anyone and there isn’t much if any awkward silence. One on ones tire me out pretty quick and it’s really awkward when we run out of conversation topics.

  4. Definitely convos with other 2-3 people. If it’s more than that, my mind goes blank and I just sit there not knowing how to add to the conversation. And even when I DO have smth to say, someone else starts talking before I get to utter a word🤷‍♂️

  5. Definitely one on one. I feel like I can join the conversation and be part of it or I can even shift the conversation and change topic. Parties are very scary cause everyone is chatting to someone and I feel like I cannot just hijack conversations especially when I’m not sure how deep or private they are. I’m always worried that I won’t be wanted in a situation like this so I end up standing alone at the bar or in the corner. Whereas in a small group we are already sitting together and I know I’m wanted and part of it. No surprises or possibilities of being left out.

  6. Oh this is an easy one. One on one definitely. I hate small talk and people that won’t care about you the next minute.

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