Today I went to the store to my local walgreens to pick up some photos, and this really attractive girl was in front me in the line.

I got absolutely mogged by her lookswise šŸ˜­

Just the idea of me wanting to start a conversation with her already seemed ridiculous, she would have thought: “Who does this unattractive manlet think he is to talk to me”. Curious thing is we were the same height.

But I followed reddit advice of not engaging since this location is categorized under the “public grocery store” list rendering an “inappropriate place” thus I simply turned my back towards her, completely ignoring her and looking at the cookies and crackers isle behind me (even though I wasn’t going to purchase any of that). I maintained a good distance so the odds of me being perceived negatively by her would be minimized.

I went about my own business and picked up my photos, then left and tried avoiding looking at her as much as possible.

Did I do the right thing?

  1. Why is a public grocery store a bad place to start a conversation with a woman? Thatā€™s definitely not true.

  2. I would say that if you’re thinking that she’s going to think “Who does this unattractive manlet think he is to talk to me” you are maybe not ready to strike up conversations with women you are attracted to. Try to work through some of the self talk so that it can be more reasonably healthy first. And in the meantime, strike up conversations with people you aren’t attracted to (people of all types, ages, genders, etc, not risky looking people of course) to keep up the skill.

    I think what a lot of people on Reddit are saying is, don’t focus so much on talking to random girls in public spaces. Just chill. Let them be. Don’t make them feel hunted. But that isn’t the same (for most people) as *never* talk to a girl you’re attracted to.

    It’s one of those things that will never be perfect, because you’re existing in a reality with other men, and if other men are overdoing something, then you have to scale back even more… but still that doesn’t mean that there’s an absolute line there.

  3. I would have gone for it, you miss %100 of the shots you donā€™t take but donā€™t harass her or follow her like a creep. But Iā€™m no pick up artist. Worst thing you can do is make her feel uncomfortable for 10 mins and she runs to the car and says ā€œoh god, what was thatā€ and everyone moves on with their life and it will be forgotten.

  4. Bro, what? You didn’t get mogged, you just stood in line behind an attractive girl while you were running errands. You are not some subhuman scum that needs to go to great lengths not to be perceived negatively by anyone, people generally don’t give a shit. Just stand in line, mind your own business, if there’s an opportunity to talk go for it, if not go about your day.

    You made the situation go from “I’m standing in line behind an attractive girl” to “I’m a pathetic manlet unworthy of this divine goddess” all in your head. Relax, its not that serious

  5. I think you misunderstood the advice.

    It is not that you can’t talk with people in public, is just you should not make them uncomfortable.

  6. It seems pretty clear you were right to *not* try to strike up conversation with her (you are not ready), but it’s deeply unhealthy for you to assume that she formed an opinion of you at all, and certainly not an opinion as harsh & demeaning as you think.

    More than that, the actions you did take seem like you’re actively trying to cower and hide yourself out of shame, which is not good. I mean, yeah, don’t leer at her because that would be inappropriate and creepy, but that doesn’t mean you have to actively turn your back to her or maintain more distance than you would with anyone else.

  7. Dude, I donā€™t even know what I just read. I thought you were kidding at first.

    There was a pretty girl in a grocery story. You didnā€™t say ā€œHiā€.

    Everything else in your story happened in your head.

    I donā€™t even know where to start, so Iā€™ll try to pick the two big ones:

    A) stay the heck out of Incel forums. They poison your brain. Assume everything you learned about yourself from any incel space is wrong. Even the terms.. like ā€œmoggedā€? Holy shit, people in the real world donā€™t use those words because thatā€™s not a real thing.

    B) In one of your comments you talk about not wanting to be perceived negatively ā€œlike Iā€™ve always been.ā€ Can you elaborate?

  8. I think you’re taking some of the advice you’re getting form the interwebs a little too literal.

    What the fuck does “mogged” even mean?

    There’s going to be a million more situations where you’re standing on line behind someone you’re attracted too. You’re over thinking this way too much. You need to relax buddy. Also ditch the weird incel(I’m assuming) lingo such as, “mogged”. Regardless of what you read on those forums it’s not true and it’s not real me.

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