I (36F) live in a low-population area in northeast USA. I am in grad school and will be graduating in December and don’t plan on staying in the area (it sucks here).

I identify as demisexual, it takes a long time for me to reach a place emotionally where I feel comfortable being physically intimate with a partner. Tragically, I am exclusively attracted to male-identifying people with penises (for reasons I don’t understand. No offense, men, girls are just super hot and I legitimately do not understand why I don’t find them sexually attractive. Also not at all into boobs or vulvas.)

Basically at this point in my life, I’m wanting a predominantly platonic short-term romance. Ideally, I’d like a decent looking guy with a dog and no kids who will play with my hair while we watch movies and take turns making each other dinner and listening to one another talk about our day. I’m leaving in a few months, so I would be comfortable with this person continuing to date other people and am not opposed to them having other sexual partners as I am unlikely to be having sex with them.

Really, just a chill guy-friend with occasional make-outs maybe. Potential for more, but no promises.

How do I communicate this on a dating profile? If someone sent you a google form questionnaire explaining this and asking some filtering questions, would you respond positively or think this chick is nuts?

  1. I would definitely say upfront and at the top of your profile that you’re exclusively looking for a platonic, short term, non-monogamous relationship and list yourself as straight.

    I definitely wouldn’t send someone a questionnaire because that’s just anal retentive and weird. It’s over-rationalizing to the point of becoming irrational.

  2. >How do I communicate this on a dating profile? If someone sent you a google form questionnaire explaining this and asking some filtering questions, would you respond positively or think this chick is nuts?

    I would feel like its too much of an interview and lose all interest, especially if my income is ever asked in that questionnaire

    But if thats the person you are, just send it cause you’re looking for a specific type of guy anyways

  3. “Male-identifying people with penises”… So just… men?

    My head hurts, I have no idea what you want. Good luck.

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