I’m a medical student and we’re basically the bottom of the barrel when it comes to hierarchy. Think piece of gum on the hospital floor that stuck to someone’s shoe and they’re trying to scrape it off on hard concrete — that’s basically what we are.

However, I walk like I own the building with my motorcycle jacket and sunglasses on every time I enter the hospital and I know it sounds ridiculous/cringe/whatever, but damn the difference it makes how people treat me. I literally got asked to do reads (looking at x rays) for radiology, and I looked at the nurse dead in the eye and said “sorry, I’m in surgery”. Lmfao. Also chatted up literal world-renowned surgeons doing cutting edge AI research on old school mustangs and shit. At the gym, I just take a shower and walk out butt naked dick in the breeze like the old guys and damn does it feel good.

I don’t wear a mask either(obviously) since it’s not required and my classmates are all pussies (respectfully, they’re the safe type of people) so I end up basically doing whatever the hell I want. One of my professors asked whether we preferred to meet over zoom or the hospital. Fuck that, I’m waking up 2 min before and logging into zoom bro. I know my classmates all want zoom so I just sent the fucking zoom link and said I can only meet for 30 mins lmfao.

It’s so insane how immensely easy life becomes when you just do shit, instead of passively checking on everything/everyone (I’m respectful of course and treat people fairly). That’s honestly what God intended for men.

Same thing with women — just do it bro. Got rejected a couple/few days ago (lost track) but I got a number today. Also chatted up the gym milf (even though I’d say it was more platonic) and the cutie at check in. Women want/expect you to lead, it’s just natural to let it happen.

I don’t know what the point of this post is but I thought it was worth sharing.

  1. I’m convinced if you look, talk and act the part, you’re 80% there.

    There’s plenty of YouTube videos where if someone dresses, acts and talks appropriately, they can get away with all sorts of shit. I also think about Elizabeth Holmes when it comes to fooling people.

  2. Can’t be a winner if you think you’re a looser. Can’t be a winner if you don’t believe it. I figured that out as child and it’s been extremely helpful.

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