So I started school this year (8th grade) and this girl she is in my science, she has been crazy touchy. Now I’m in to her but I don’t want it to go to far(because of religious matters) like earlier today she grabbed my arm because we were messing around “stealing” each-others stuff and then she was trying to take my bracelet and she put my arm on her right boob and held it there for a good two minutes.

And another time she came up behind whilst I was getting my stuff out of my locker and she put her ahem “area” on my butt and then she tried to take my necklace. Because it’s like an on going game or joke or whatever.

And then the third and final occurrence was when we were walking to the bus and she put her face like two inches away from my face. And I was shocked I didn’t know what to do, I could feel blood rushing to my face so I looked away then looked back and she had this look in her eye then smiled and said “see ya tomorrow”.

I am 13 m she’s 13f I’m horny, I think she’s horny. But the questions I’m asking are, is she giving me signals and should have kissed her

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