how do you personally check this box without killing the mood completely? do you do it before things escalate physically or before the deed? what’s your protocols??

  1. I always asked casually about testing (not in any particular spicy mood) and never had any issue with it (may be just luck tho. I think making a big deal of it is what makes things awkward.

  2. Before I even start a sexual conversation bc people be dirty as fuck out here, and if they get offended I don’t even continue the conversation bc that right there is a red flag

  3. Personally, I ask beforehand. And I ask my partner get tested before we have sex if they haven’t had one since their last sexual partner. There are diseases that aren’t effectively stopped by a condom, and I’m not messing around with that.

  4. I don’t think that’s an appropriate sexy conversation. Before anything escalates to mood-killing time, you need to have this discussion. Once the hormones and adrenaline kick in, honesty and maturity fly out the window.

  5. I always asked. If they got weird, I didn’t trust them and they’re not worth my time.

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