LONG STORY NOT SO SHORT I suffer from insecurity/social awkwardness and everything like that my whole life. I’m 23 M and I can’t hold down any type of relationship so because of this I don’t have any friends . So I’ve been in a classroom training for a job with some other older men . This one guy was 30 and he is extremely socially awkward to the point where it’s cringe asf he brings up weird/taboo topics at random times but despite all this he seems somewhat confident . And this one dude who was like 50 was picking on him this whole entire week . He was mocking him and really just making fun of him a lot . But the socially weird dude is so un-self aware he didn’t even notice all this . And for the first time ever I saw someone who was way more socially awkward than me get picked on and it was fucking sad to see man . High school doesn’t end after high school , some ppl stay in that high school mindset and stay bullies . After work ended he said we should exchanged phone numbers and hang out and everybody started laughing and sarcastically said “ yeah bro!” It was fucked up to see someone who was just as bad in social settings as me get picked on . The guy might suffer from high functioning autism I dunno but Life goes on I guess smfh

  1. He’s just in the wrong environment with the wrong people. They’re people like him out there with his interests that helped shape him. He needs to find those people. In terms of your colleagues, some people just like talk shit and make fun of others. Simply a cornerstone in a lot of conversations. when there are generational and lifestyle differences it makes for an easy target.

  2. Not gonna lie, reading this pissed me off pretty badly. As a person on the spectrum who went through the same thing and still fails socially, this made my blood boil. Fuck those people.

  3. Its sad to hear how people with mental health issues are treated. Have you considered contacting HR? Its when good people say nothing that people get away with stuff like this.

  4. Someone should ask the person who was making fun “he might have autism, what’s your excuse”

  5. That’s sad af. I hate seeing people getting picked on for just being themselves. That dude didn’t deserve that. I hope he finds people who appreciates him and makes some good friends with people who has his best interest at heart 💜

  6. Social awkwardness is just a misunderstanding of language.

    I believe if you could freely speak your thoughts, you may have helped defend this person.

    You should look up toastmasters.

  7. I visited a lot of seminars, job related Events and other stuff where you have a group of people and the company pays for the event so the coaches always keep their mouth shut. Even in our company people pick on each other. I am a huge dude, 6’3 250 lbs boxer/powerbuilder but I am introverted as hell. So those guys even tried to pick on me, but not for long. At some point I told those 2 guys (which are my colleagues) that I would fuck them up so badly that people wouldn’t recognize their faces anymore and they wouldn’t be able to do ANYTHING about it. I said that loud in front of everybody and those 2 guys went quite and didn’t say a single word to me afterwards. The coach didn’t say anything as well. So, shortly after that they switched to someone else, but the other guy didn’t say a single word, so they bullied him for 3 days straight. Why would people stop bullying after highschool? People don’t change.

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