What is a common denominator you’ve realized about dating women you’ve come to accept?

  1. That women have very high standards for men whilst dodging every standard for themselves. Women want men with looks, height and money. Men just want a woman who will accept them for who they are.

    Obviously not all women, but far too many.

    Additionally men are learning to treat trash women like trash. This really sucks for women who are not trash because they become collateral damage, but it seems inevitable to me.

  2. 3 rules I’ve come to accept:

    Big boobs make up for a lot of character flaws…for a while. That a me flaw, not a them flaw.

    No blondes. Not once has that turned out to be charming.

    Don’t stick your dick in crazy.

    Aside from that, there aren’t too many common denominators. Everyone is different and everyone can drop both good and bad surprises on you.

  3. That each dating experience with women will be different. Learn from each one, but don’t carry expectations or hurts from a past relationship into a new one. Everyone has different issues.

    It’s also hard as hell, if you’re trying. Women sense when we’re “trying”, and that seems to be universally a turn off, unless you check a *lot* of boxes where they were attracted to you to begin with. To be quite frank, there’s also a lot more boxes we men have to check in order to attract a quality partner than vice versa. Better to focus on self improvement, living a life you think is cool (with exception of just staying home, watching anime or playing video games, that’s not cool). Be a burning, bright fire that someone wants to come sit next to. Maybe we’ll all find someone, lol.

  4. It’s always a good sign when you can make a lady laugh. Unless it’s right after you’ve dropped your boxer shorts. If she starts laughing at that point…not a great sign.

  5. Men and women have different approaches to the truth. A mans truth is an immutable thing. A woman’s truth changes depending on how she feels. She can say I hate you and I love you and mean both as truth at the time they were said. Men are less likely to let feelings shift what they think is true in the moment. It’s not a criticism of either side but something I’ve noticed in communicating with woman I’m dating or are in a relationship with.

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