What would you do if you were the only girl on the planet?

  1. Cry because most of my family and friends are gone.

    Edit: oh, and probably unalive myself before men found me.

  2. Yeahhhh that wouldn’t end well for me at all. I’d off myself before someone else would put me through suffering a thousand times worse.

  3. Live my life, mind my own business, and deal harshly with MFers who try to interfere with it. Same as I do now.

  4. Be very very sad because I’m a lesbian and that would mean my partners are all gone 🙁

  5. I’d unalive myself. Too afraid of the horrors I would face being the only woman left in the world

  6. Hide until everyone else fights each other to the death until I’m the only one left alive. Befriend the animals and live a peaceful life with them until my death.

  7. That would be a fucking nightmare! I’d horde some pills and go into hiding. Worrying about the amount of abuse I would suffer if found wouldn’t be worth the constant stress, so I’d probably end up using the pills to exit.

  8. Disguise myself as a man and then just vibe, all while being a bit sad that it wasn’t men that were erased

  9. As long as my partner is still alive, I’d go into hiding. If my partner was gone, I would be too.

  10. Figure out how to set up a super remote location to live with my husband, my dad, my brothers, and my nephew; mourn together the loss of our beloved friends and relatives. Learn to use a gun and insist they (except my nephew, he’s a baby) learn to as well.

  11. That’s an immediately life-threatening situation because there would be men trying to hunt me down and assault me constantly. I’d have to find somewhere remote to hole up, unfortunately.

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