So my husband is so open when it comes to sex. He bought me sex toys,trued soft bdsm,is down for everything I suggest except for oral sex. Before you mention it I have perfect hygiene since I don’t take these kind of things lightly. I asked him a few times but he’s never tried it and I don’t like to be pushy but I really want to experience it. Any advice on how to convince him ?

  1. Besides a really serious conversation about your wants and needs, I suggest that if you give him oral, stop. Stop and only do it again when he starts giving it to you. Sex is a two way street reciprocity and communication are keys.

  2. Since you’ve brought it up before, I would just casually ask if there is something about it that he’s uncomfortable with. Personally speaking and roles reversed, I would want to know why a woman wouldn’t want me to give her oral. Though, can’t say that’s ever happened.

  3. It is difficult to say what’s going on with your husband, especially since he seems very open. I was a little embarrassed to give oral my first time because I was afraid she would think I was weird. But I got over that after the first time and have loved the taste, smell and everything else about it ever since. It is delicious. I would talk about it and how horny it makes you feel to think about him giving you oral. Lay it on thick. He should definitely do it for you. You will love it. He may be afraid he doesn’t know what to do. Do you know if you will enjoy direct stimulation? Tell him how you envision what he would do. And tell him you will give him directions to help. You are going to have to take the lead on this one. But it will be well worth it. It is normal for a lady to receive oral from her guy. I give my lady oral every time we have sex, and not just for a couple minutes but for as long as it takes for her to have an orgasm or multiple orgasms.

  4. Does he know how big of a deal it is for you? I mean…you are here telling us about it and he has NEVER even tried it. I think you need answers before you think about convincing. This seems like a weird place to draw a line on something he hasn’t even tried.

  5. You can’t. If he’s not into, you likely cannot change that. But I would not be offering BJs if I was never going to get head myself. Sex is for both people and needs to be reciprocal.

  6. I had a bunch of partners in the past who all had some sort of hang up regarding semen in their mouth. I don’t think there’s a thing anybody on this earth could do to change their mind. If he’s in the same situation I would not get my hopes up for that changing.

  7. Omggggg! I’m sorry, but getting eaten out is a must for me. If a guy doesn’t want to go down on me, that’s a hard pass. I’m sorry. I hope you two can figure it out. Have a conversation as to why he feels uncomfortable about it. Do you give him head? If so, it’s not fair that he won’t eat you out…

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