What’s something you would never change about yourself?

  1. My curiosity.

    (Even if it has led me to open doors that should have never been opened.)

  2. I was about to say my Critical thinking skills and then realized ‘never change’ would also mean it would never change for the better as well as worse, so nvm on that

    So- I would say….I have two freckles. On on the top of my left foot, one on the bottom of my right foot. They are perfectly circular, dark and the right foot one is almost exactly dead center on the Y axis. I recently discovered them (having a skin-scan- nothing bad found) and now i just really enjoy them.

  3. people have told me I’m very funny. I get it all the time. All different types of personalities tell me how funny I am.

    in my college days, I would write papers about stand-up comedy, humor, and joke building. I would study it and write my own shit.

    I once it’s sold a joke about a duck for five dollars. it was literally about a duck. a bird

  4. My willingness to let things go. People can say I’m cruel or too quick but it has brought me so far. So I am sticking with it.

  5. My commitment to the truth. It may not always be popular, but at least it ain’t bullshit.

  6. Being talkative. People like that about me. They say its super easy to talk to me. People think Im a snob before actually talking or getting to know me 🤣

  7. the way I think.

    Either full overthinking or instantly getting over something difficult

  8. Idk man, i hate every part of my body

    Except maybe my legs or something but they still kinda suck

  9. My height (6’6) and my patience to get along with almost anyone.

    Even though I’m introverted, I can walk in a strange crowed room and be friends with anyone.

  10. My integrity. I’m not stubborn, but I have my strong opinions and I’m not afraid to stand my ground when I feel like I’m being challenged to act against my rules. Sometimes I lose because of it, but it’s much more important to stay true to myself and the way I was raised.

  11. Definitely who I am as a person. I treat everyone with genuine kindness and I know I could never change that about myself.

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