If you have a partner already, do you plan and setting time aside to have sex? Do sex always have to be spontenuous to be worthwhile? Even if it doesn’t work out perfectly or over the top passionate isn’t sex important enough in our lives to deliverately plan ahead?

  1. We do not plan ahead, it definitely happens often enough we don’t need to. I wouldn’t say we “make time”, it just happens whenever we’re at home or in a private area

  2. Married and been together for over 12 years, we do a mix of planning and spontaneous. Nothing wrong with making the time for it, and definitely nothing wrong with going for it when the mood strikes.

  3. My sexual life is complicated, almost all of it is planned and I like it that way. Remember though that plans don’t always go as intended so you need to not be a sook when it doesn’t happen.

  4. We do a mild amount of planning. Just like if we have really busy schedules. Alot of the time it happens naturally though, one of us gets a hankering and we’re pretty much always happy to oblige one another

  5. We have been married 26 years and sleep apart because dealing with his snoring generally meant I was grumpy. When we don’t have weekend/holiday plans we start the day by grabbing coffee and checking the news in bed. We tend to move onto cuddling and connecting which leads to sex probably 95% of the time. Nothing is stated or written in stone but it works to keep us connected. And sex is as worthwhile as you make it.

  6. Married mom of two boys here, due to work and kids, we’re usually intimate in the evenings, when the kiddos are upstairs at night. So the time frame is typically chosen for us but as far as the actual days, no, that is spontaneous. Or there’s early morning sex (like today) that occurs as well. 😉

    Cannot wait for the day when they get their driver’s licenses and we have sex during the day! 😂😂. Like it was before having kids. *sigh*

  7. Typically when we go to bed, then again about 4 AM when my dick decides on its own to go full staff. Random times during the day. I try to spark her interest by switching on Magnum PI or Top Gun or something else that lights her fire 🔥

  8. Ours was more spontaneous when we were younger but now it is mostly planned. She has some health issues that tend to be worse at night so we plan on the morning most of the time. Usually it is Friday or Saturday morning since those are my days off. By the way, we just had our 50th anniversary so I guess it is working!

  9. Planning. My husband is a very regimented creature, and I am not. Spontaneous attempts to woo the husband often result in confusion and “But I’m doing something?” And in my head, it’s suddenly all insecurity and “*shouldn’t a guy be interested in sex at every possible opportunity?”. Turns out NO, because… sometimes they’re already doing something. This has nothing to do with me and everything to do with his brain being fully engaged. Sometimes I’ll get “Gimme a half hour”, or “How about tomorrow after supper?” and I say YES to whatever. Planning means he won’t *get* involved with a project/raid/whatever and I don’t get a blank stare. He turns up on schedule for the nekkid.

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