Over the years I’ve taught myself a few social skills and now I can readily hold a conversation – but only with the right people. For some reason, only a select few people actually “take the bait” if you will and respond to my prompts. With one of my older friends I can have a conversation for hours without even trying, but with people my own age, even when I give them questions they just sort of refuse to answer? Either that or an incredibly vague one, and when I use that as a chance to further the conversation so they can elaborate further they just don’t. I honestly can’t tell if the problem is me or if it’s just other people with poor social skills too.

  1. Hard to say without having an example, but do not forget that the response is hugely influenced by the general vibe of your relation. I mean sometimes you can try to conduct a super witty and lively convo with sb and they would ignore you just because they don’t know/like you. On the other hand, you may talk completly crappy with your friend and still have a lot of fun together, just because they like you (and vice versa).

  2. Pay attention to yourself throughout the day and question how often you actually feel talkative. Imagine the times you are talking to them as the times in your day when you don’t feel talkative. Its just one of those things where there’s no magic formula to always make a conversation work. Sometimes it just needs to line up right.

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