Let’s say your friend finally got that job they always wanted.

They’ll come to you and say “I wanna share something, I got that job I told u I was interested in”

At this moment I do not envy the person neither I feel sad because they got it.
I just don’t feel anything.

I mean, I guess it is because we all aim for different things and we don’t know how much effort someone has put into it, so It is quite hard to feel all the joy they might be feeling.

That is okay tbf, the problem comes when I don’t know how to react.
I had a hard time socializing when I was growing up and I realized that if I acted as people around me were acting within the groups I might be part of it at some point.

I basically learned a lot looking at people around me and I realized that faking my reactions would help me with this.

To sum up, after a long time, I made some friends, but I lost myself in this process, then I had to start it all over again, with more experience though.

So I had to feel while speaking to other people if I was comfortable or forcing the conversation.
If I was constantly forcing it, that was not who I am, and I’d be aware of this trait whenever it showed up.

One of these traits is overreaction when someone tells me good news about them.

I panic every time someone says “I have something amazing to tell you”

My face suddenly changes because the genuine reaction would be “if you are happy with it that is what matters, congratulations” but for some reason that is very hard for me to say and I’ll always go with “OMGGGG That is amazinggg I’m sooo happy for you” and then my smile starts fading away and I feel like the person could notice how fake that was.

Again, I don’t envy them at all, I wanna people to succeed and to be happy.
Never in my life, I was sad or angry when someone told me good news.
I literally just don’t know how to react to it.

1 comment
  1. People tend to notice when someome is faking a reaction or an attitude

    You said you usually don’t feel anything when your friends has good news because you don’t necesarly have the same goals as them. Well you are not supposed to feel happy for their accomplishment itself, instead people are wanting you to feel happy for them (your friend), and for them being happy and having an accomplishment they feel happy about.

    So I feel like you are focusing your feelings on the wrong thing. If you care about your friend, and you want them to be happy and accomplish their goals (even if their goals don’t mean anything to you personally), then it is expected to you to naturally feel happy for your friend.

    In summary, when a friend shares good news with you, don’t focus on the news itself, focus on how you feel about your friend being happy. If you genuenilly care about your friend you will naturally find a feeling that helps to have a good reaction.

    Try being honest about your feelings, don’t fake them. If you feel awkward when reacting to something, the only thing that helps is practice (exposing yourself to social situations, enduring the awkwardnedss and learning in the way)

    Hope this helps and good luck!

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