My question is, if you had to compare two guys who both paid attention to what you want and were considerate, but one still had better skills — what are the “skills” that make someone good?

Angling? Touching the right spots? Rhythm? Etc

  1. A good match is usually just that, being considerate, listening to what your partner likes and doesn’t like, going as slow or fast as they enjoy, keeping a good rhythm, not focusing on a single area, for example rub their thighs, or play with their nipples if they enjoy that, sensitive areas like the neck and collarbone, even just rubbing her clit while your doing piv, of course these are the kinds of things you’d talk about first to see who likes what. But just listen and pay attention to their body and you’re going to have fun.

  2. It’s all about attitude IMO. Does he understand that his penis isn’t the only/best sexual tool at his disposal? Does he understand that penetrative sex is not the only/best type of sex? Does he understand that sex toys are his teammates, not his competition? Does he understand that sex is supposed to be fun? Does he have a sense of humor about sex and about himself?

  3. Different ladies are going to value different things. The skill that makes you better is listening to what your lady wants and following her directions.

  4. Separately from caring about what your partner wants, I think there’s some skill to being able to understand requests and feedback and actually implement them. Some guys care very deeply about what their partner wants, but if you start asking them to adjust their rhythm or approach they are kind of unable to do that, or if you give them instructions they don’t know what you are talking about.

  5. Communication in my opinion. Communication and paying attention to responses from your partner. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and encourage instruction. Sometimes it can be hot AF having someone tell you exactly what you want them to do to you and having them tell you exactly how you want it.

  6. My field of expertise 😂
    When he is open and let’s you experiment without fear of being judged
    When he is knowledgeable and does some research on how to please a woman
    When he never skipps foreplay
    When he puts your pleasure above his own
    When he kisses passionately
    When he tells you what he likes
    When he starts foreplay outside the bedroom
    When he tries different positions in one intercourse.
    And of course when he’s considerate in bed

  7. After more than three partners I haven’t been able to compare skills since I know that how I can show off my skills is entirely dependent on mutual chemistry. Of course I can mechanically perform the same motions but different people are built differently so what works with a certain sized penis or person doesn’t work with another, and then add the fact that different people like different things entirely.

  8. Personally, I was very impressed when I found a man who knew how to angle his body right, so he hit my clit with every thrust. I always thought I couldn’t cum from intercourse without touching myself throughout sex…but he definitely proved me wrong.

  9. 1-Being very physically fit so I don’t have to worry if im tired cause he can and want to do the work for me
    2- Being very open and not bringing any kind of shame to the act, so it felt like I could try anything that popped in my mind

  10. dude you’re asking the wrong questions, you dont ask for her opinion, you take her and do what you want with her


    (not talking about rape)

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