I absolutely love kissing a woman’s various body parts. I used to do this thing with this girl I was seeing where I would kiss her top to bottom. I would have her lay down and first kiss her forehead then lips and then gradually move down to her neck, collar bones, breasts, stomach, vagina and hips and then finally legs and feet. I would often times ask her to flip over and do the same thing to the backside of her body (shoulders, back, butt). Usually we would have sex after I did this and I found that it was the most thrilling form of foreplay for me. Does anyone else enjoy doing this?/having it done to them?

  1. So long as he stays away from areas either of us dislikes, this is amazing, both on the giving and receiving end.

  2. I’ve been told that when I do this they love it. My girlfriend says if I kiss thighs, pubic mound, etc but stay away from the actual lips that it drives her insane and makes her tingle like crazy from anticipation. I guess it’s a form of edging.

  3. YES. I’m a bit more of a romantic so kissing the entirety of my gf’s body makes us both happy.

  4. My GF is very very touch sensitive and gets a great deal of pleasure from it.
    I can’t sit with her with out touching her in some way. Stroking a hand… Tickling fingers across her chest…

    When i get the chance i love to kiss her top to bottom and put my beard to good use. So yes..top fan here!

  5. I like to start at the ears then the neck down to the shoulders go to the nipples kiss around the belly button on the mound then graze the clit with my lips to the thigh then the other thigh and when all that’s said and done I’m knee deep in 💦💦💦💦

  6. I can’t get enough of doing this to my girlfriend to the point where I get nervous I am neglecting the actual intercourse

  7. I LOVE kissing all over my partner’s body (minus their feet). I especially love the cheeks, jaw, collarbone, chest, shoulder, back, and stomach. they kiss my stomach too. I love it.

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