I have an insane crush on a girl… Can I get some advice and help on what to do?

I have an insane crush on a girl and desperately need your opinion on what to do…

Quick context: We’re both 24, known each other for like 5 years when we went to music school together. I’m what everyone I know refers to as a nice guy, gentleman, etc. and I’m very active in music, acting, etc. and currently work in marketing. She’s a musical artist.

She’s the nicest, sweetest person in the world. Nothing bad whatsoever can be found in her. I’ve liked her ever since we went to school, but after briefly meeting her again recently to congratulate her on a play she’s in, my feelings just exploded once again, and now I realize they won’t just go away without doing anything.

We’re friends but don’t talk very often. I ask to meet for coffee now and then when I’m in her city, and we usually do and catch up. So we have good chemistry.

And even though the thought scares me to bit, I feel I have to tell her somehow. Not make a big deal out of it, or put any sort of pressure on her, but just he honest and cool and not expect anything back. But I’m so scared of either losing her as a friend, that she’ll be uncomfortable, that it’s a selfish act of me, etc. She won’t be angry or upset – I know her well enough to know that. She’s the kindest person in the world.

Thinking about her makes my stomache tingle (even after 5 years…), it makes me imagine lots of situations with her (going to concerts, camping in the woods, etc.), and it makes me inspired.

So the obvious question: What the heck do I do? For years I’ve just accepted the feelings but now I cannot anymore..

tl:dr: My crush on the sweetest girl in the world is so big, I dont know what to do and how to not to something wrong

  1. “Hey, it was so nice seeing you the other day. Would you like to go on a date sometime?”

    That’s it. No hemming and hawing, no ambiguity, no deep dive into your feelings. Keep it short and simple and you’ll get your answer. But please please please remember she is just a person! It’s not good for either of you to act like she is some flawless being with no bad qualities. You only think that because you don’t know her well. It’s unfair to put that kind of pressure on her and it’s going to make it harder for you to behave normally as you explore this phase of your relationship.

  2. I had a similar story, unfortunately it’s a lose-lose situation for you, but the further you wait it will be more painful, so tell about your feelings as soon as possible and be prepared for any results, even not see her again. Trust me, uncertainty is killing much more

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