I apologise if this isn’t appropriate for the sub. I’m still relatively young (19F) and I’ve had some great sex, but it doesn’t come close to the descriptions I see in media. No sex has ever “gotten me high without substance” or “made me transcend to another realm.” I realise that there is lots of hyperbole in these statements, but I’m wondering if they’re based in truth at all? can sex actually be so good that it creates these kinds of attachments between people?

  1. I didn’t think it was possible either and I had several sexual partners before finally experiencing this.

    Yes, sex can bring you to another realm even without pharmaceuticals. It just takes the right combination of chemistry, ambience, and dedication. For both parties. You’ll never get there if you have a bad lover and I think that was my problem for the first few people that I hooked up with.

  2. yes, if you’re deeply in love and attracted to each other, it can feel like the most amazing drug, or even transcendental.

    Which is why all religions are afraid of it – if you’ve had a bang where you felt like your souls were touching in *this* life for a tiny instant, all the mumbo jumbo about heaven in the after life loses its allure, forever.

  3. Oh most definitely. I’m a F(27) and the connection I have with my M(31) partner I get from sex is out of this world. I can’t even compare the feeling I get when he’s inside of me. Plus just in general, I just can’t get enough of him as a person either. We’re super sexually connected and vibe perfectly. And I def can feel a high without the substance.

  4. Honestly I’ve not heard a song that can describe the awesome fun that me and my wife have. It’s not always amazing, but when it is it’s off the charts.

  5. Definitely. For me it’s all about the right mindset. I first figured it out solo then explored with a partner.

  6. 100% real. But for me, has to be in a deeply loving, committed and trusting relationship to get to that level.

  7. Yes! And it took my until late 30s to find it but yes yes yes. Takes an incredible connection with the right person.

  8. I have had sex that made me feel floaty, like a strong buzz after drinking and sensations so intense I have become non verbal.

    Those feelings and the attachments you mention can often be because of the emotional connection plus all the hormones and chemicals flowing designed that help that bond.

  9. With communication and trust and practice, yes. I’m having the best sex of my life at 29.

  10. Yes. YES it’s is not sex in my opinion at that point. It’s a extremely intimate experience and bond a bond so strong that leads to a state of unbelievable bliss and for fills the most unimaginable desires of the very depths of there being. Yes it happens.

  11. These things don’t portray the world that sex can open. It is possible to enter a new world. When it happens, you’ll know. You will know what it means to be seen, cared for, connected, spiritual beings finally brought together to be one. Most people settle for something less, but it is truly possible with the right person.

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