My partner (f late 30s) has decided to get off the pill after being on it for over 5 years. We of course talked about it before hand. She has been getting spotting and she says don’t feel right down there. Also she has been more agitated lately. I figured she needs time to adjust but I want to make sure we are not missing anything and what I can do to make things easier for her.

I would like to ask women’s experience when they got off the pill and any advice for us would be welcome.

  1. On the pill, I was severely depressed and was crying a lot. When I stopped the pill, it was like the rain stopped. I felt fine. I felt like me again. At least until I realized how much the pill had destroyed the way others saw me and it ruined my relationship. Then I felt depressed again but at least it wasn’t chemical depression.

  2. Being on the pill made me actively think about ending it all •_• but as soon as I stopped taking it, I ended my toxic relationship and began feeling like myself. I got an IUD instead (not hormonal) which was a traumatic experience in and of itself, but I would rather have an IUD than go on the pill again. Because of the added hormones and depending on how her body reacted to it, it’ll take some time for her to feel like herself/her body to go back to how it was (especially since she was on it for so long). I think if you just actively communicate, everything will be a-okay.

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