I’m pretty rusty at reddit so bear with me. I (21f) just moved in to my first house for college, and in some ways I’m navigating it better than anticipated, and in others I feel still like the clueless awkward kid I am inside. I’m living with three people and I only knew one from a shared class, but they all know each other very well. I’m well aware I come across as quieter than most when first meeting someone, and accepting this about myself has honestly helped me ease into social settings quicker. Once I get over that hurdle, I can safely assume from their reactions that I’m pleasant to hang out with. Here’s my problem though. I still have a really hard time initiating these hangouts, and solely rely on one of my roommates (he’s the oldest, and a generally easy going guy) who’s very sweet and has been texting me when everyone is chilling together (my room is kinda separate, so I can’t just “bump into” them and join naturally) but I’m starting to worry I might become annoying and too dependant on him if I don’t figure out a good way to initiate/organically join these hangouts myself. He had mentioned multiple times “just come downstairs if you’re bored” or “text me if you want to hang” and I know it’s silly but I just can’t tell if he’s saying that just to be nice or if he means it. I guess I’m just frustrated because after the past few years of overcoming my social anxieties, little things like this still make me panic.

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