A few months ago I posted on here and received some great feedback. I made some changes and had some decent match improvements. Looking for some additional feedback to continuously improve my matches. 31M looking for LTR. No kids

Profile Review

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  1. The third photo of you in the bar – too blurry. Any other interests you want to list? You do have an energetic approach -looks good!

  2. Alcohol and a lot of energy. Traveling is good, but woman your age range want to settle down and have kids (generalization).

    You just seem loud to me.

  3. Honestly, I think you have a great profile, I think it’s about tailoring it to attract what you want.

    For me, you come off as fun, energetic, adventurous. You have an infectious smile! My assumptions are that you always want to go, go, go. And so you’re looking for the same in a partner. For a lot of women looking to settle down and start a family, that might not be the vibe we want. That’s why I’d swipe left, I don’t think I’d be able to keep up with you.

    So if you’re looking for someone to join you for adventures, your profile is great! You’re just looking at a small pool. If you’re looking to settle down, then you need to show that you are capable of that and aren’t just looking for the next adventure or party.

  4. Great profile, which screams energy, fun, and… casual.

    IF you’re truly looking for a LTR, there are some changes you need to make.

    Do you want your partner to travel the world with you? Party and dance with you?

    Include some language about what you two would do together.

    “positive part of others’ lives” — this could use a bit of finessing and really could invite conversation

  5. I’d say it looks pretty good, maybe swap out the last pic of you with the beer because you already have one that looks a lot like that, it might give you more range. Otherwise yeah, it looks like a decent profile to me.

    Also you remind me of Mac from It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia.

  6. Ok I didn’t see it mentioned but your heavily focused on what your wanting from the other person. You want someone to travel with you. Do snowboarding or sking with you. It’s what you want but what do you want from them besides being a tag along?
    Photos are fine they set the tone great. But I didn’t get much of a depth of who you want your partner to be if that makes sense.

  7. This could be really great for the right person, but I think you will have a small pool of people who are composed of that kind of person. I (33F) consider myself pretty open to new experiences/trips etc., but would most likely swipe left on you because I immediately felt like I’d have to be that person 24/7 for you. I think you told me more about what you want, than who you are.. if that makes sense?

  8. I’m picky and wouldn’t usually swipe on profiles like yours but the profile itself is ok.

  9. Overall looks like a pretty good profile.

    I’d suggest toning down the part with snowboarding. You have two exclamation marks. That’s a lot and can feel overwhelming for people. (This coming from someone who uses a lot of exclamation marks 😅)


    Snowboarding! It takes me all over the world, 2022 = Chile.

    Other loves : etc …

    I think the rest of it is fine. You’re looking for someone compatible to share your life with. That’s not going to be everyone.

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